Book review: From here you can’t see Paris

From here you can’t see Paris
Michael Sanders, £6.39
This book is written by an American author who decided he wanted to spend a year living in a French village and write about the village restaurant. A self-proclaimed francophile, Michael Sanders, truly gets immersed in village life and the result is an evocative story of Les Arques – a village in the Lot region of France.
As someone who owns a holiday home in the Lot not far from Les Arques, reading this book in London made me want to jump on the first plane for France. The story is woven around the village restaurant, La Récréation, but also details the general life of the village – the council elections, annual fete, foie gras production and much more. If you are visiting the Lot on holiday then this is a must read before you go – it will leave you dripping with anticipation!
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