Social and voluntary groups in the Loire

A perfect way to integrate into French life
Catherine, Phoebe and Marianne of the English-Language Library in Angers
If you’re newly settling into the Pays de la Loire, chances are that you’re going to want to meet people (other than the postman), make some friends, or just get out of the house for a while.
There are a variety of different organisations for you to check out, all with different aspects and objectives.
We hope you find something that suits you.
English-Language Library In Angers
The English Language Library (previously the American Library) has activities for adults and children, with book clubs, garden clubs, story-time, and events. Located at 60 rue Boisnet, they are open Tuesday – Friday from 2 – 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1 to 6 p.m. They are closed on French bank holidays, from December 225 – 31, and from mid-July through the month of August.
The library is a non-profit organisation that has been open to the public at their Angers (49) location since December 1993.
The library originated from materials donated by the American Library of Paris, a collection which has steadily expanded since then.
For more information, phone the library at 02 41 24 97 07.
Read our interview with Mrs. Phoebe Marshall-Raimbeau, the director of the library.
The aim of the EuroMayenne Association is to provide a network of help, guidance, activities, and friendship to all Europeans who live in the Mayenne Department (53).
For details, visit their website, which provides information in English and French.
If you need more information, contact their President, Nicole Devel, on 02 43 56 57 31 or 06 73 71 96 52.
Accueil des Villes Francaise (AVF)
The AVF is a national French organisation established to help newcomers to an area (French and foreign) find the information and social integration they may need.
There are branches throughout France in most of the larger towns.
Many arrange activities including conversation classes and children’s holiday activities.
The AVF can provide practical help and information on the area, in French, and occasionally in English, too. For more information, visit their website.
You can phone their Pays de la Loire office in La Baule on 02 51 08 80 13.
This 60-year old French association was created to assist country-dwelling post-war families, helping with daily activities such as delivering their food and transporting the children to school.
Now with branches all over France, it organises many social events, with an emphasis on integration and family activities in rural areas. Visit their website , phone their Paris office on 01 44 91 88 88, or email them here.
The Royal British Legion
The Royal British Legion, covering departments 22, 29, 35, 44, 53 and 56, provides financial, social, and emotional support to millions who have served, and are currently serving in the Armed Forces, and their dependants.
The Legion was founded in 1921 as a voice for the ex-service community and more than 600,000 members (including 15,000 outside the UK) continue to ensure that this voice does not go unheard.
For more information, visit their website or phone 02 97 39 75 44.
Saumur Cricket Club
This club is based at Saumur (49) and is always looking for new members. Contact Andy German on 06 22 77 36 55 or visit their website.
Le Moulin Cricket Club
The club is based at Fontaine-Couverte (53) southwest of Laval. Contact Robin Mitchell on 02 43 06 51 04 or email .
Mayenne Writers
A small friendly group of absolute beginners and published writers would welcome new members. Meets monthly in a member’s home near Le Horps. For further details, telephone 02 43 00 68 89.
Mother and Baby Group in the Vendee
Monday mornings from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at the Foyer Rural in La Tardiere (85). English and French mothers and babies are both encouraged to come. Free entry.
Crafters’ Club
Activities include pressed flowers, bead working, cardmaking, scrapbooking, quilling, glass painting and more, all in a well-equipped workshop in Le Horps (53). Newcomers welcome. Phone on 02 43 00 68 89 or email.
Religious Services
The following churches in the Pays de la Loire offer services in English:
The Anglican Church of All Saints Vendee (85)
Location varies between Puy-de-Serre, La Chappelle-Achard, and Legé
Homegroups meet fortnightly
Reverend Brian Davies
Tel: 02 40 33 12 21 or 02 51 69 96 32
Worship in English (mixture of church backgrounds welcome)
Every Sunday at 6 p.m.
Espace Notre Dame de la Vie
17 rue Gautté
Saint-Gilles-Croix-De-Vie, Vendee (85)
Reverend Roger Fray
Tel: 02 51 33 27 81
Homegroup meets weekly
Understanding the Bible
Talks given the first Sunday of each month at 6 p.m.
The Meeting Room
La Lande au Roullin
St Denis-de-Gastines, Mayenne (53)
Tel: 02 43 08 01 57
Email here .
If you are interested in finding a new home in this beautiful part of France, please click Pays de la Loire property for sale .
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By FrenchEntrée
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