Moving to France: A Dog’s Diary

The promise of a huge new garden was all it took to get golden Labrador Marta excited about a new life in France
Meet Marta, a golden Labrador who made the move from Ware in Herfordshire to Bergerac in France. With her companion black Labrador Agatha, their owners Paul and Gill and help from Burke Bros Moving Group, Marta’s adventure took her from wasp stings to evening swims and enormous gardens, but all in the name of relocating to France.
21 JUNE 2022
“Do you want to go for a walk? Agatha? Marta? Do you want to go for a walk?” My tail wagged and I started running around in circles. A walk? Do I? You bet I do! Our walks are amazing.
That was our owners Gill and Paul. Agatha and I love going for walks with them in our home of Ware, Hertfordshire. We like to feel the grass beneath our paws and the fresh air through our fur.
Today, Gill and Paul had spent three and a half hours at the Visa Application Centre! Agatha and I waited patiently for their return. Then we heard it, the key in the door; at last they were back.
This meant two things; firstly, it was time for walkies, hurrah! Secondly, we were all on our way to moving to France.
Gill and Paul had been planning it for some time. There was the promise of a huge garden for Agatha and I, and even more walks in Bergerac, so it was a win- win situation.
14 JULY 2022
Gill and Paul have been organising lots of things to enable the four of us to move to France. There were removals to think of, as well as all of the paperwork. We’d already had a friendly chap come to the house from the Burke Bros removal company to see what we were taking to France. Their vans get booked up quickly in the summer. Glad he noted all of the important things: mine and Agatha’s toys, our beds etc.
Now, we don’t mind Paul having a break from the preparations and watching the Tour de France before our move, but it was supper time and my bowl wasn’t going to fill itself. I knew if I looked earnestly at him for long enough, he’d give in.
23 JULY 2022
Our last weekend in the UK before the move to Bergerac. Agatha and I were excited and a little nervous now. We just hoped the wait at the Eurotunnel wasn’t going to be too long! Just time to play in the garden and get this stick off Agatha.
25 JULY 2022
Worst thing happened – I was only playing with a wasp and it stung me! Why are they so mean? It was really painful! Paul and Gill had to take me to the vet for a steroid injection. What a day. Going to see the vet is the worst thing ever. So glad to be at home now, where Paul and Gill can tend to my every need.
On a better note, we’ve now got our animal health certificate. These nine pages mean that Agatha and I are definitely going to France. Really hope there’s no wasps over there though.

26 JULY 2022
The Burke Bros removal men arrived today to pack up our house in Ware. Very efficient and friendly lads. We really wanted to have a good sniff around in this big van, but Paul and Gill said we had to stay out of their way else we’d be packed in there too.
28 JULY 2022
All aboard! So we’re all packed up and ready to go. Paul and Gill have loaded us into the car so we can be on our way to France. Au revoir UK. This isn’t mine and Agatha’s favourite part of the adventure as it’ll be a long journey across France, but it’ll be worth it in the end. Paul and Gill said we can have some stops en route to stretch our legs and have a run around.
29 JULY 2022
We’re 250km from our new home in France. It is incredibly hot here in the heatwave, particularly when you’re covered in fur. Fortunately we had lots of stops en route with our owners. Agatha took the opportunity for an evening swim to cool down; meanwhile, I had sniffing to do.

1 AUGUST 2022
Wow, this was worth the wait! It’s the biggest garden we’ve ever had. I can’t wait, there’s so much to explore, lots to sniff out and we’re going to have the best games of catch. Haven’t seen any wasps yet. France is looking great!
2 AUGUST 2022
The removal crew unloaded all of our furniture and boxes for us today. It’s such heavy work and it’s been so hot here. It’s important to prioritise essential items when unpacking, so I’ll need to find my toys. They will be perfect for playing with in this enormous garden. Just going to have a little nap on the cool floor first though and then I’ll get right back to finding those toys…

Burke Bros Moving Group operate removal services to and from all regions and departments of France on a weekly basis. Whether you require a full household removal or part load, they offer a high quality professional removal service and are BAR and FIDI accredited.
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By Burke Bros
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