French Equine Vocabulary: Points of the Horse
Essential Reading

By FrenchEntrée
Les parties principales du cheval
Here’s some basic equestrian vocabulary you can’t live without, whether you’re buying a horse or pony, fitting tack or on a trip to the vet…
Back | Dos |
Body | Corps |
Canon | Canon |
Chest | Poitrail |
Cheek | Joue |
Coronet | Couronne |
Croup | Croupe |
Ear | Oreille |
Elbow | Coude |
Eye/Eyes | Oeil/Yeux |
Fetlock | Boulet |
Poll | Nuque |
Foot | Pied |
Forearm | Avant-bras |
Forehand | Avant-main |
Forehead | Front |
Flank | Flanc |
Frog | Forchette |
Girth | Passage de sangle |
Neck | Encolure |
Gaskin | Grasset |
Heel | Talon |
Hindquarters | Arrière-main |
Hip | Hanche |
Hock | Jarret |
Hoof | Sabot |
Knee | Genou |
Loins/kidneys | Reins |
Mane | Crinière |
Chin | Menton |
Nose | Bout du nez |
Nostrils | Naseau |
Pastern | Paturon |
Shoulder | Epaule |
Stifle | Rotule |
Stomach/abdomen | Ventre |
Tail | Queue |
Thigh | Cuisse |
Throat | Gorge |
Withers | Garrot |
Tendons | Tendons |
•With thanks to Peta Morton
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By FrenchEntrée
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