French Lemon Cake Recipe

French Lemon Cake Recipe

Thanks to the lemon syrup, this cake keeps moist for several days and is the ideal cake to take to the country on a picnic.

Makes 2 cakes
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes

For the batter
4 eggs
280g sugar
100g pouring cream
70g unsalted butter
220g flour
4 lemons
6g baking powder
A handful of strips of candied lemon peel for the topping.

For the syrup
250g water
25g lemon juice
100g sugar

Making the batter

✱ Wash the lemons. Grate their zest over some sugar to preserve the flavour of the zest. Whisk the eggs and sugar in a mixing bowl. When the mixture starts to become pale and thicken, add the cream, heated to lukewarm. Incorporate the sifted flour, then the baking powder. Finally, add the  melted butter. The batter should be smooth and shiny.


✱ Line a loaf tin with baking paper. Pour the batter into the tin. Bake for 5 minutes at 200°C, then make an incision in the top of the cake with a knife. Return to the oven for about 35 minutes at 155°C. Check whether the cake is cooked by inserting the blade of a knife into the middle. If it comes out clean, the cake is cooked. Turn out the cake and allow to cool. Make the syrup by bringing the sugar, water and lemon juice to the boil. Brush all the  sides of the cake with the lemon syrup, or dip it very briefly in the cold syrup to lightly moisten it. Finish decorating by placing strips of candied lemon peel on top of the cake.

Recipe from ‘à La Mère De Famille’ by Julien Merceron, originally published in FrenchEntrée Magazine

Photograph by Jean Cazals

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  •  Kampus entrepreneurship
    2022-09-28 06:00:44
    Kampus entrepreneurship
    Does the cake taste sour?