French Vocabulary & Phrases: Talking About the Weather
Essential Reading

The British may have a reputation for talking about the weather, but the French are equally obsessed! Here’s what to say when you want to join in…
What is the weather like today? Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui?
It is cold Il fait froid
It is very cold Il fait trés froid
It is hot Il fait chaud
It is sunny Il fait soleil
It is snowing Il neige
It is raining Il pleut
It is still raining Il pleut toujours
It is windy Il y a du vent
It is foggy Il fait du brouillard
It is icy Il ya du gel
What a lovely day! Quel beau temps!/Quelle belle journée! Il fait beau!
Enjoy the sunshine! Profitez du soleil!
What awful weather! Quel mauvais temps!
What is the temperature? Quelle témperature fait-il?
What is the weather forecast? Comment est la méteo?
What will the weather be like tomorrow? Quel temps fera-t-il demain ?
It will be sunny Il fera soleil
It will rain Il pleuvra
It will be stormy Il y aura des orages
It will be very windy Il fera beaucoup de vent
Will it rain tomorrow? Il pleuvra demain?
It will be a very cold winter Ce sera un hiver trés froid
It will be a very hot summer Ce sera un été trés chaud
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