How to Use the Phrase “Du Coup” in French
Essential Reading

If, like me, you were not taught this phrase at school but you hear it littering virtually every French conversation you hear, then read on!
What does “du coup” mean in French?
“Du coup” literally means “of the blow/strike” and it is used in informal everyday parlance. It is very much a phrase “of the moment” and North-Easteners among you will “kna worra mean, like!!”. It’s similar to the word “like” in English, which is often used as a filler expression.
It is used as an interchangeable phrase or synonymous meaning for :
- donc
- en consequence
- alors
- dans ce cas
- de ce fait
- ainsi
- voila pourquoi
It is also quite difficult for most anglophones to wrap their mouths around with the two different “u” sounds. “Du” with lips slightly pursed and the sound at the front of the mouth and “coup” with a softer oo sound.
As it is a phrase meant to trip off the tongue with ease in fluent conversation, it may be best to give this phrase a wide berth if you find it a little clunky to use right now but there’s never harm in trying!
French phrases with “du coup”
Here are some examples of its usage:
“Du coup, tu pourras m’amener chez Noe, Maman ?
So, can you take me to Noe’s house, Mum?
“Je n’ai pas de cours. Du coup, je reste chez moi.
I haven’t got any lessons. Consequently, I’ll stay at my house.
“J’ai peur de rester seule chez moi. Du coup, mes parents m’ont achete un chien. »
I am scared of being home alone. So, my parents bought me a dog.
“On ne sort pas ce soir. Du coup, on fait quoi ? »
We aren’t going out tonight so what are we doing?
“J’adore faire du velo. Du coup, j’aime bien faire des balades. »
I love cycling so I love do go out for rides on my bike.
Listen out for this phrase or “alors du coup” being used in conversation and why not have a go for yourself!
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By Carol Paylor
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