Essential French Vocabulary: Love, Romance & Marriage
Essential Reading

French is known as the language of love, so what could be better than to learn a few key French words of love and intimacy to be whispered softly at the right moment? Here are some key French words and phrases related to love.
Saying “I love you” in French
Je t’aime: I love you
Je t’aime mon amour: same as above but just a little more emphasis
Je t’aime de tout mon coeur: I love you with all my heart
Je t’adore: I adore you
Pour toujours et à jamais: forever and always
Toujours dans mon cœur: always in my heart
À toi, pour toujours: yours forever
T’es l’amour de ma vie: you’re the love of my life
Je t’aimerai pour toujours: I will love you forever
Tomber amoureux/amoureuse de quelqu’un : to fall in love with someone
Le coup de foudre : love at first sight
The French Verb ‘Aimer’ – to Love
The present tense of the verb aimer
J’aime – I love
Tu aimes – You love
Il/elle aime – He/she loves
Nous aimons – We love
Vous aimez – You love
Ils/elles aiment – They love
French Vocabulary: Love and Romance
Mon amour: my love
Mon chéri, ma chérie: my darling, my love (masculine/feminine)
Mon choux: my muffin (this is a “cute” expression, use sparingly)
Mon lapin: my rabbit (another cute one)
Mon ange: my angel
Present: un cadeau
Flowers: des fleurs
Candy: des bonbons
Clothes: des vêtements
Perfume: du parfum
Jewelry: des bijoux
Engagement ring: une bague de fiançailles
Wedding ring: une alliance
Husband: mari , époux
Wife: femme, épouse
My fiancé: mon fiancé (masc.), ma fiancée (fem.)
Partner: compagnon, compagne
Lover: amant, amante
Boyfriend: copain
Girlfriend: copine
Friend: ami, amie
… and if all goes well, this you’ll need but once in a lifetime:
Marriage proposal: demande en mariage
Veux-tu m’épouser? Will you marry me?

“Le mur des je t’aime” in the square Jehan Rictus, Montmartre, Paris. The words ‘I love you’ are written 311 times in 250 languages.
Photos: I Love you Wall by Lamhao
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Whether you’re a second-home owner or an expat living in France, learning French is an essential part of integrating into local life. FrenchEntrée is here to help with our handy verb and vocabulary lists, essential French phrases, and top tips and advice for learning French.
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