Generous Prisoners Get a Tasty Delivery

A caterer specialising in Portuguese food in Épernay (Marne) delivered over 140 meals to prisoners at the Reims detention centre on Sunday, to thank inmates who created a fund to support local nursing staff affected by the coronavirus crisis. In total, €1,068 was collected by the prisoners.
“It’s a total surprise, we didn’t expect it,” said Franck and Willy, prisoners in the Reims prison, of their unexpected gastronomic gift. “A month ago, there had already been a similar delivery for the guards [see photo], but we learned two days ago that we were going to eat this tonight. We thank them very much, it’s heart-warming.”
The caterer’s van left the courtyard of the remand centre to applause, with an emotional deputy warden Sebastien Leys saying: “Thank you very much. It’s true that we are often the forgotten ones. I was talking to the inmates and there is a sentence that struck me: “This gift is very profound because it connects us to society” – and I keep saying to them that while they are deprived of freedom, they are, above all, citizens”.
The tasty treats included prawns, grilled chicken with spicy homemade sauce, and apple pie, the caterer Romain Sadi Haddad, manager of the Lusitano in Épernay, told France Bleu. He made the delivery along with family and friends.
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