Tax Simulation 2018 Online

The 2018 income tax simulator was put online in early January by the impots.gouv website. Official and free, it allows you to estimate how much income tax you will have to pay this year.
After completing the simulation form online, you will receive an estimate of the amount of tax payable, this is of course, only an indicative amount.
Calculating the amount of tax you will have to pay via the simulator, also shows whether you will have to pay by direct debit or online. The simulator also allows you to evaluate the amount of your revenu fiscal de référence, which is used to determine whether you can still declare your income via the paper form or if you must use the online declaration. This year, taxpayers whose revenu fiscal de référence in 2016 exceeds 16,000 euros must declare their income online.
Eventually, the obligation to declare online will be extended to all taxpayers who have an internet connection.
The simulator gives you a choice between a simplified simulator and full simulator.
The Simplified Simulator;
This can be used if you are filling in Form 2042 only. This is the case when you only declare your wages and/or alimony, for example.
The Complete Simulator;
The full simulator needs to be used when you have to send additional declarations (income from commercial, liberal, agricultural activity, investments in the DOM-COM, etc…).
The simulator is filled in the same way as a paper return: you must fill in the information relating to your situation, your income and your expenses. You do not need to login to your account on the Impots.gouv site to use the simulator and it is completely anonymous.
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