France’s New 2023/2024 Tax Declaration d’Occupation for French Homeowners: Step by Step


Essential Reading

France’s New 2023/2024 Tax Declaration d’Occupation for French Homeowners: Step by Step

In 2023, all French property owners were required to fill in a new tax declaration form – the Declaration d’Occupation – detailing the occupancy status of their properties. In 2024, new homeowners and properties with a change of status must also fill in the form, along with any property owners who haven’t already done so. Here, we take you through the process step by step and answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

What is the Declaration d’Occupation, France’s new property tax form?

The Declaration d’Occupation is a new French tax declaration that must be filled in by all property owners as of 2023, declaring the occupancy status of their property/properties. It’s a one-off declaration that is mandatory for all property owners in France, including second-home owners and non-residents who are not typically required to submit a French tax return.

Why is the new declaration required? 2023 marked the first year that the Taxe d’Habitation was abolished on all primary residences. To determine who is and isn’t eligible for the tax from this point forward, French tax authorities have now made it mandatory for all homeowners to declare the occupancy status of their properties. The Taxe d’Habitation will continue to be applied to second homes and vacant properties, and this new form will ensure that such properties are correctly taxed.

This new form is included in article 1418 of the general tax code and must be filled in by all property owners for each premise, including car parks, cellars, outbuildings, etc.

Who needs to fill in the Declaration d’Occupation?

This new property tax form applies to all French homeowners, including second-home owners, landlords, and property investors. If you own any kind of property in France, regardless of whether you live in the property, use it as a second home, or rent it out, or whether or not you pay taxes in France – you must fill in this form. You must fill it out regardless of whether you are liable to pay Taxe d’Habitation or not.

Note that filling in this form does not necessarily mean that you will need to pay income tax in France or file a French tax return. 

Who doesn’t need to fill in the form? The only exceptions are owners of commercial properties and businesses, such as shops or full-time gites/holiday home businesses – i.e. properties which are not liable for the Taxe d’Habitation as they are registered as businesses.

This exception doesn’t apply if your property is a second home or holiday home that is occasionally rented out as a gite or Airbnb and is not a registered business. If in doubt, it’s best to check with your local tax office.

Who needs to fill in the form in 2024?

If you already filled in the form in 2023 and the occupancy of your property has not changed, you do not need to fill in the form again.

If you are a new property owner and have never filled in this form, you must do so in 2024. Similarly, if you own a property and didn’t, for whatever reason, fill this in last year, you must do so this year (and be aware that while authorities were understanding of the difficulties some property owners had last year, they are unlikely to be as lenient this year – and fines do apply for non compliance!).

Finally, if you have previously filled in the form, but the occupancy of your property has changed then you must declare this – for example, if you were living in your property last year, but now you have moved back to the UK and are using it as a holiday home, or if the property was previously used as a second home and you are now renting it out full-time.

Declaring a change of occupancy

From now on, any changes to the “occupation” of the property on January 1st each year (i.e. whether it’s a primary residence or second home) must be declared before June 30th of the that same year. If there are no changes, then you don’t need to re-submit the form.

What do I need to do in 2024?

If you need to fill in the Declaration d’Occupation form, this must be submitted by June 30, 2024.  You will need to fill out a separate form for each property you own.

This can be done online by logging into your personal space on the website. For 2024, a paper form will also be made available.

Filling in the Declaration d’Occupation, France’s new property tax form

Now that we’ve established who needs to fill in the form, the next question is how. The form can be found online (a paper option will also be made available for 2024, so if you cannot access your online space, we suggest visiting your local tax office) in your ‘espace particulier’ (personal space) on the website, under the ‘mes bien immobiliers’ (my real estate) sub-menu.

First of all, you will need to login to your account and access the form.

If you already have a French tax number and online account:

If you already live in France or have a French tax account, this is quite simple. Simply login to your ‘espace particulier’ (personal space) on the website, locate the ‘mes bien immobiliers’ (my real estate) page and click ‘accéder’.

Here, you should see your properties listed. As in the example screenshot, you may find multiple ‘biens’ listed, either for different properties that you own or for additional structures such as a swimming pool, garage, cellar, or parking space (in this case, the two additional examples are a barn and a swimming pool). Note that recently purchased properties may not show yet – in which case, you should wait until they do appear to fill in the form. Equally, if you have recently set up your account, it may take a few days for your properties to appear.

Good news – you can also click on the Union Jack flag in the top right to access the service in English!

Click on ‘consulter’ to see the information that is already listed for each property, the ‘Descriptif de bien’. Here, you should be able to see details of the property, including the surface area in m2, the number of rooms, and the fiscal category (the number between 8 and 1 given to buildings in France, with 1 being the most sumptuous of dwellings and 8 being a dilapidated property in disrepair – a typical family home would probably rank around a 6).

*Note: If there are any mistakes, now is a good time to get this corrected. You can either get in touch with your local tax office or send them a message via your espace particulier – select ‘J’ai une question sur le descriptive de mon bien immobilieras the reason and detail the changes that need to be made.

Once you have verified the information, you can click on the ‘declaration d’occupation’ to begin the declaration. Here, if the information listed is correct, you can simply click on ‘Aucun changement’ (no change), or if you wish to update the information, click on ‘nouvelle situation’. You will then need to give the name/SIREN/marital status of the occupants of the building and the period of occupation. You can opt to declare the property as a principal residence, a second home, a rental property, or a vacant property (note that this means that the property is unfurnished and unavailable to use, not just that it is currently unoccupied).

If you don’t have a French tax account:

If you’re a non-resident and second-home owner, you may not already have an online tax account, in which case you will need to set one up before making the tax declaration. You can do this by entering your French tax number or ‘numéro fiscal’ and following the instructions to set up your account. If you have previously received French tax notices, such as the Taxe Foncière property tax, you will find this number on the top of the bill.

If you do not yet have a French tax number or ‘numéro fiscal’, you will first need to apply for a tax number in order to create your account. You can read our guide How to Get a French Numero Fiscal & Open Your Online Tax Account or head straight to this page to fill out the form online. You will need to provide:

  • Your name, date and place of birth.
  • Your email address
  • Details of your marital status
  • Your overseas residence/postal address

Enter all the information, then click ‘continue’. To finalise your request, click on the email address shown, attach a copy of your passport or ID card, and send this off.

*Note that if you are filling out a French income tax or wealth tax return for the first time, this can’t be done online – you must submit a paper form instead (read more about that here). However, for property owners who only need to submit the Declaration d’Occupation, this can be done online.

Declaration d’Occupation: FAQs About France’s New Property Tax Form

When do you need to submit the 2024 Declaration d’Occupation?

You have until June 30, 2024, to make your Declaration d’Occupation.

Do I need to fill in this form if I’m not resident in France or don’t pay taxes in France?

Yes, all French homeowners must fill in the form. This includes second-home owners, overseas residents, and landlords of French rental properties. You must fill in the declaration even if you are not tax resident in France and do not currently file a tax return or pay income tax in France.

Will l need to file this declaration every year?

No. The French government has stated that this will be a one-off form to be completed in 2023. You will not be required to submit the form again unless your situation changes; for example, you decide to move into your second home and make it your permanent residence or vice versa. 

What is the penalty for not filling in the Declaration d’Occupation?

There is a fixed fine of €150 for anyone who fails to file the Declaration d’Occupation tax form or provides an incomplete or incorrect declaration. This amount is per property. Authorities were sympathetic to the struggles some homeowners had accessing or completing the form last year and as far as we know, no fines were issued – however, this is unlikely to be the case moving forward.

Does this mean I have to pay extra taxes?

The purpose of the Declaration d’Occupation is to ensure that French homeowners still subject to the Taxe d’Habitation (i.e. second-home owners and owners of vacant properties) are correctly entered in the system and to avoid incorrect Taxe d’Habitation charges to those who use their French properties as their primary residence. Filling in this tax declaration does not mean that you will be liable for French income tax or wealth tax unless you are already. However, the information may, of course, be cross-referenced to ensure that anyone liable to pay these taxes is correctly doing so.

What should I do if I need help filling in the form?

If you need help, you can call the free helpline on 0 809 401 401 from 8.30am to 7pm Monday to Friday – although bear in mind that this is likely to be available in French only. Alternatively, you can visit your local tax office (find your nearest one here) or send them a message via your espace particulier – select ‘J’ai une question sur le descriptive de mon bien immobilieras the reason.

Paying Your Taxes in France

Whether you are moving to France, own French property, or have business interests, assets, or investments in France—FrenchEntrée is here to help with all your tax questions. Our Essential Reading articles are designed to give you an overview of the basics, from income tax and social charges to wealth tax and property taxes. However, tax laws and rates are always subject to change, and international tax liabilities can be especially complicated, so if in doubt, we always advise discussing your personal situation with one of our recommended financial or tax advisors.

Disclaimer: This guide is provided for general information purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice regarding any aspect of your tax planning or tax liabilities in France. FrenchEntrée cannot be held responsible for the consequences of decisions or actions you may choose to take in connection with French tax declarations or tax liabilities.

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  •  Andrea Robinson
    2025-01-29 08:17:23
    Andrea Robinson
    My husband and myself purchased our new permanent home in France which completed 19.12.2023. I did not receive a Tax Fonciere invoice at all and after many telephone calls I did receive one in October 2024 and paid it. I have now received an invoice for Tax d'habitation which I know we should not pay. This invoice has arrived in the post and does not have my street name at all, only the house name, is not in my husband's name and is in my maiden name. It has a late fee attached, even though we haven't received a previous one. I have tried to speak to the solicitor who acted when we bought our house, but he isn't helping. Surely something hasn't been done correctly when our house completed? The invoice does have a tax number on it, but I am unable to use online?


  •  Jayne
    2025-01-25 12:41:52
    Does this form need to be filled for a viager property, which is still occupied by the previous owner (usufruit)?


    • Zoë Smith
      2025-01-28 09:55:47
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Jayne, The form needs to be filled in for every property. As I understand it, it is the usufruiter's responsibility to declare the property and their occupancy (see here for the government Q&A - in French - that talks about this). Kind regards, Zoe


  •  sara
    2025-01-10 09:10:00
    I have just purchased a holiday home in Normandy , we shall receive the keys the 13th January 2025. do we have to fill in a form for habitation taxe before June 20th as we were not the owners on the 1st January .


    • Zoë Smith
      2025-01-22 10:37:33
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Sara, Here's some advice from one of our tax advisors: Firstly, if they were not owners prior to 01/01/2025, they will not be liable for taxe d'habitation for 2025 - this is based on who uses the property on 01/01 each year. They will probably need to file a Declaration d'Occupation (DO) in June this year as they will be the owners of the property However, they will not yet be known to the tax authorities and will therefore not have access to an online Espace Particulier, and cannot set one of these up without a fiscal reference! They therefore cannot file the DO online, and would have to file a manual declaration; this may even be sent to them by the tax office It takes months now for the title deeds to be registered so they may not hear before June 2025. In the grand scheme of things, it's not the end of the world to file before end June when they are unknown to the tax authorities - once they get their online Espace, they can file the declaration at that point if they haven't been able to file it before. The information will lead to them being charge the taxe d'habitation in 2026. Kind regards, Zoe


  •  Niall Foulis
    2024-10-15 06:48:50
    Niall Foulis
    I have recently tried to change the status of a property from unoccupied to second home without changing the person who wasn't occupying it but the online system seems to refuse this change and demand that I 'correct' the status back dated to the original declaration. I am concerned that a discrepency in this may affect my insurance as it is now for a holiday home but the declaration remains unoccupied. Is it best to just go with the flow and allow the system to make the 'correction' to the original declaration?


  • Jonathan Allen
    2024-06-16 07:39:08
    Jonathan Allen
    Hi Zoe. This is really comprehensive. I'm a bit confused on one point still. I'm filling this in for my mum and my siblings and me. We have owned a second home for 20 years. We use it about 13 weeks a year. The French tax site asks us for periods of residency for the taxe d'habitation. But from this thread and your answers to others it sounds like it doesn't mean when we physically visit but when we have had ownership of the property during the tax year. So we would put down the whole year for all of us? Is that right? Many thanks.


    • Zoë Smith
      2024-06-18 14:30:13
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Jonathon, Yes, you are essentially "occupying" (using) the house as a second home for the entire year - they aren't concerned with your actual dates of travel/occupancy, just the residency status of the house itself. Kind regards, Zoe


  • Timothy Hehir
    2024-05-03 01:38:49
    Timothy Hehir
    Hi, On my biens immobilier page, my property and the outbuildings at the same address are listed as 2 separate listings. Do I declare myself as occupying them on both listings. Regards.


    • Zoë Smith
      2024-05-13 09:49:58
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Timothy, Yes, often different buildings are listed separately and you should complete the declaration for all of them unless there is an error (for example, an outbuilding is incorrectly listed as part of your property - in this case, you should report the error to the tax authorities). Kind regards, Zoe


  •  Joanna
    2024-02-12 04:01:49
    Hi, If you are over 75 with 2 properties in France, I live in one and rent the other do I still pay the tax on the rental property and if so do I pay it or the tenant.


  •  Kathleen Evans
    2024-01-31 06:38:29
    Kathleen Evans
    The property in France was bought as an SCI of which my husband and I are shareholders. The property is made up of four houses. I live in one of the houses and it is my principal residence, I am resident in France and have retired in the French system. I am over 75 years old therefore do not pay tax habitation. My husband lives in the UK and is resident there and has a house which is his principal residence. The SCI has been requested to pay tax habitation. This I do not understand. It is not my husband;s second home. Could you please explain what I feel I am not understanding as to why we are being asked to pay this taxe?


    • Zoë Smith
      2024-02-02 16:14:15
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Kathleen, As it's an unusual situation for a husband and wife to be legally resident in two different countries, I would suggest contacting your local tax office directly to explain this and make sure the property is correctly registered. I am not sure of the law regarding property tax in the case of a SCI where one party claims it to be a permanent residence and the other as a secondary residence, so it may be that the tax office requires further clarification. Kind regards, Zoe


  •  Ted Dewhurst
    2023-11-16 10:08:51
    Ted Dewhurst
    Hi there We purchased a property in Dordogne last month (October '23), which will be our second home. Tax fonciere for the current year has been paid by the previous owners and we have reimbursed our pro rata share. I'm trying to find out how we declare our occupancy for our taxe d'habitation. We don't yet have a numero fiscal and so can't register for an online account yet. So my questions are: How do we obtain a numero fiscal / make our declaration? FYI I tried using the form for obtaining a numero fiscal in your article - and got an email back saying that since this was a first declaration it could not be done online. If we need to apply in writing, what form should this take and where should it be sent? What is the deadline for us to make the declaration? Will our first bill be next October, or before then? Many thanks in advance!


  • Christopher Clive Ferrier Smith
    2023-10-23 11:15:02
    Christopher Clive Ferrier Smith
    We have filled in the taxe d'occupation and it has been received. We have never received a form for the taxe d'habitation. We always only receive one form: the taxe fonciere. Does the cotisation on the taxe fonciere include the cotisation for the taxe d'habitation, or should we get receive another form for the taxe d'habitation? We had a good case for not paying the taxe d'habitation and explained our position to the Tax Office, so it is quite likely we have not been billed for it. If we do not receive a separate bill for the taxe d'habitation, then presumably we are not billed for it? Merci beaucoup!


    • Christopher Clive Ferrier Smith
      2023-10-23 12:43:36
      Christopher Clive Ferrier Smith
      Hi Zoe Thank you very much for that clear and speedy answer! We will certainly check our 'espace' with our online tax account with the French Government. Avec mes remerciements et mes meilleures salutations! Christopher


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-10-23 12:28:29
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Christopher, If you aren't required to pay the Taxe d'habitation then you won't be sent a bill (you won't receive a written confirmation that you aren't liable) - however, if you are unsure, it is worth double-checking that there isn't a notice in your online tax account. Kind regards, Zoe


  •  Michael Haste
    2023-08-02 09:06:32
    Michael Haste
    Thank you for your advise on the new Tax Declaration d'Occupation. I have tried to follow your advice but I have a problem. I have previously paid French Taxes via the website but have never had to set up an Espace Partculier before. In trying to do so I need to enter an eight digit phone number - which of course having only UK phone numbers I cannot do. This means I cannot access an Espace Particulier in order to get to the declaration form. Do you have any advice please. We didn't receive the letter about this new tax from the French authorities until mid-June at which point we were already at out holiday home in France. We got the letter on our return to teh UK at whiuch point we had already missed the end of June deadline. We have been trying ever since to try to get this matter resolved - but we can't!


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-08-02 10:32:09
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Michael, This article will help you to set up your personal space: How to Get a French Numero Fiscal & Open Your Online Tax Account. In the meantime, you could try calling the French tax helpline on 0809 401 401 or head in to your local tax office if you are in France - if not, perhaps you know someone within France who might be able to do this on your behalf? Alternatively you could call your local tax office directly - the number should be on your tax bill. I hope this gives you some avenues to try. Best regards, Zoe


  • James O'Donnell
    2023-08-01 04:46:05
    James O'Donnell
    Hello, I have applied for a tax number using your link to create a space on the governments website. I did this initially on the 20th July and again today, but have had no response. I purchased a house in the Dordogne last year and have received notification re the new taxe d'habitation. Should I have heard by now or is there a back-log? I will not be re-visiting until mid September. Any advice would be gratefully received.


    •  Mike HASTE
      2023-08-02 09:07:46
      Mike HASTE
      We had a response from an email we sent to teh French tax authority after around 3 weeks. As that did not answer our question we now have to wait again for a further response......


  • Kim Kelly
    2023-07-26 12:03:50
    Kim Kelly
    Hi Zoe My question is similar to that of Randy Brook. I have tried putting in 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2024 (being the whole year) but it will not accept these dates. As we are getting closer to the deadline I am getting quite concerned. Please can you confirm the dates we need to enter? Many thanks


  •  Anna
    2023-07-25 08:25:35
    Residences de Tourisme are considered business property. Each owner has a Bail Commercial with the Hotel Management Company. We have our own Espace on the Impots website. We pay Taxes Foncieres but have never paid Taxe d'Habitation. I think this is because of the Commercial nature of the building. There is very little information available regarding the Declaration of Ownership for owners of these commercial holiday apartments. Do you have any information? Do we fit in the category 'who doesn't need to?'


  •  Robin
    2023-07-21 10:46:15
    Hello, Just noticed your excellent article. Is this Occupancy Declaration the same as the Gèrer vos Biens Immobilier Declaration ? Robin.


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-25 12:39:26
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Robin, Yes, that's the one!


  •  Randy Brook
    2023-07-17 07:57:09
    Randy Brook
    On the form for a secondary residence, is the starting date 1/1/2023 or the actual date the person became the owner? For someone like me, it could be a date of inheritance going back 10+ years that I would have to search for.


    •  Randy Brook
      2023-07-27 05:59:17
      Randy Brook
      I just got a secure message reply to my question sent to the French authorities: "Il faut mettre au moins le 01/01/2023." You have to put at least 01/01/2023. So, not really an answer to my question. I guess I'll just go ahead and put in the actual date in 2014 and see if the form goes through.


    •  Randy Brook
      2023-07-27 05:06:58
      Randy Brook
      I tried calling the information number five times. Each time I managed to get through a series of confusing directions. I had to reach a point where it said (in French): If you don't have internet, make sure you're not in a train or car and then press 1. So eventually I got to where I was told the conversation would be recorded and "please wait". I waited for several minutes, and then each time was disconnected. I finally gave up and sent a secure message asking, for a first time filling out the Déclaration, if the starting date of Occupation was Jan 1 of this year or the actual date in 2014 when I inherited the apartment. I did this all in French. While some of the website has info in English, it doesn't appear that the message portion can be done in English. No reply as yet.


    •  Randy Brook
      2023-07-27 05:06:34
      Randy Brook
      I tried calling the information number five times. Each time I managed to get through a series of confusing directions. I had to reach a point where it said (in French): If you don't have internet, make sure you're not in a train or car and then press 1. So eventually I got to where I was told the conversation would be recorded and "please wait". I waited for several minutes, and then each time was disconnected. I finally gave up and sent a secure message asking, for a first time filling out the Déclaration, if the starting date of Occupation was Jan 1 of this year or the actual date in 2014 when I inherited the apartment. I did this all in French. While some of the website has info in English, it doesn't appear that the message portion can be done in English. No reply as yet.


  •  Tim Glass
    2023-07-11 06:22:54
    Tim Glass
    Hi, I own an apartment with a friend which we and our families occupy only occasionally throughout the year. So, as it is "at our disposal" throughout the year should I fill in the GMBI declaration as being in occupation throughout the year.?They surely can't want us to detail the arrival and departure of every trip/weekend. Please can you advise? I am anxious to make the extended 31st July deadline. Thanks Tim


    • Val Sheehan
      2023-08-18 01:49:06
      Val Sheehan
      Don't know if this is correct but I put in start of occupation as date property was purchased and left the second date (end of occupation) blank. Inormation was accepted. When I checked the details it said 'always on the premises'. As it is designated as secondary occupation I assume that is OK.


  •  paul stokes
    2023-07-10 04:16:24
    paul stokes
    Hi sorry if this is a stupid question, we are looking at purchasing a property in france to use as a Holiday home to start with then maybe move there fully in the future. we are trying to find out what year taxes we are going to have to pay, please can you advise?


  • Michael and Lynne Bulmer
    2023-07-03 03:42:11
    Michael and Lynne Bulmer
    We have completed the personal space application form twice and have not had acknowledgement so far. Can we complete the tax declaration with a fiscal number (which we have) anyway? Also I think I remember on one of our many attempts to get this sorted that there is an extension on the closing date till the 31st July? Is that the case?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-05 17:24:48
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Michael and Lynne, Yes, the deadline has now been extended to July 31st, 2023, so you should still have time. You could try contacting your local tax office for help with this or call the number in the article above. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Matt Starr
    2023-07-03 02:18:33
    Matt Starr
    Hello. How do I create my own 'personal space'? I have a fiscal number but I am unable to carry on through the pages without an account. From what I can understand it says I need to visit our local tax office first to show identification before we can set up a 'personal space'. Is this correct? We live in England and only visit our second home in France during the school holidays. I hope you can answer my question so that I can get this form completed. Thank you.


  • Roger Grant
    2023-06-30 06:50:53
    Roger Grant
    Hi. We gave our French property over to our son. he is now the owner but we pay all the tax d'habitation etc. Can we fill in the form for him or does he have to fill it in?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-05 17:23:19
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Roger, If your son is the owner and taxpayer, then he will need to fill in the declaration via his online tax account. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Maria Rideout
    2023-06-29 08:54:11
    Maria Rideout
    Are you supposed to list children as occupants of the property


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-05 16:58:00
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Maria, The important thing is to list the main occupants, i.e. the tenant or homeowner, it's not necessary to list children. Best regards, Zoe


  • Mr Robert Tyers
    2023-06-29 06:29:52
    Mr Robert Tyers
    My holiday home in France is owned through a UK Ltd Company. It is already registered with portal via the 'Professional Space' for the annual return avoiding the 3 % wealth tax. Do I need to register it again via the 'Private' |Space' ?


    • David Stephens
      2024-01-02 02:42:58
      David Stephens
      Hi Robert, or Zoe, Interested to hear you own your French property via a UK ltd company rather than as a CIC or in your own name. What are the pros and cons and French taxes or costs that go with owning a French property in a UK ltd company?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-05 17:00:15
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Robert, There's no need to re-register the property as it is 'owned' by the business - however, you will still need to fill in the declaration d'occupation through your professional space. Best regards, Zoe


  •  shahmina rahman
    2023-06-29 05:02:36
    shahmina rahman
    I have a Tax foncieres account number and a Tax Habitation number but the site is not letting me set up an online account. The deadline is June 30/23 or July 31/23 for the non resident owners? Who can I call to set up an online account and declare non residency? the phone 0809401401 does not help since it is in french only


  • Colin Brooker
    2023-06-28 05:56:12
    Colin Brooker
    Where is the link to start filling in your information for obligation declarative ?


  •  John Bevan
    2023-06-28 04:43:20
    John Bevan
    Hi, we are in receipt of a letter from Finances Publiques asking us to fill in the Declaration d'Occupation. We returned from France yesterday, but with the deadline of June 30th. (The letter came the day after we left) I have submitted Proof of Identity to set up an Espace Particulier to the email address given, but it could be a few days before it is set up. What more can I do before the deadline? We have tried the help line, but with a fairly good understanding of the language, we cannot interpret the options given to us, (with no alternative telephone numbers or options) A SMS option was given, but difficult to understand the procedure. Regards, John Bevan


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-05 17:21:52
      Zoë Smith
      Hi John, Thankfully the deadline has now been extended to July 31st, 2023, so you should still have time. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Sarah Orgill
    2023-06-27 06:02:15
    Sarah Orgill
    Hi,I have filled in the declaration on behalf of my 2 brothers and myself as we are joint owners. I have had no confirmation that it was received and indeed my brother received an email that he had not filled in the occupancy form. Could this be because the taxes are taken from a french account in his name? I.e does the form need to be completed not only by an owner ,but he/ she must also be the tax payer? I tried filling out the form again ,but could not submit it. I would write a message on my espace particulier,but that also seems impossible.What do I do next? Thank you for your help


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-05 17:07:07
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Sarah, If your brother is being asked to fill in the form, I suggest that he fills it in with the same information that you have filled in. You could also reach out to your local tax office for help if needed. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Sue Bouckley
    2023-06-27 02:51:27
    Sue Bouckley
    I am trying to complete the tax 2023 property tax I have a numero fiscal but it asked for proof of identity do you have any advise on how to do this.I haven't got past the first page.I pay my tax habitation online.


  • paul
    2023-06-26 05:48:04
    But what do you do you do if you have sold up recently? still in residence at 1.1.23 but not now - new owners y'see? Ive tried filling in the correct dates. doesn't work


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-05 17:04:29
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Paul, I would suggest getting in touch with the tax office through your personal space to confirm whether or not you still need to make the declaration for 2023. Best regards, Zoe


  • Lindsay
    2023-06-24 12:43:34
    Hi this is a very useful article. Thank you. We are French resident and live in our Principle residence which we purchased by setting up an SCI. How do we register that we live in this property? It does not appear on our personal tax space. Do we need to create a SCI tax space? We were told that as we live in the property ourselves and do not rent it out that we do not need to complete an annual tax return. Is this correct? Thanks for any advice. Lindsay


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-05 20:17:45
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Lindsay, I believe that as the property is owned under an SCI, the declaration will be made through your professional tax space, not your personal one. As for the tax return, all French residents (which I assume you are being as you live in your French property) must by law complete one even if you are not liable to pay taxes in France. Best regards, Zoe


  • Eileen Castle
    2023-06-24 03:07:24
    Eileen Castle
    Hi ...we have a fiscal number but are not registered for an online tax account. We have filled in the form 'How to get a numero fiscal and open your tax account' and sent a copy of the passport but like a previous query, have not had a response. The 30th is fast coming up and we are away on holiday next week. We sold the property in April but I know we have to declare it as things were in January. The property is now lived in full time as a primary residence but was a hoiday place for us. Help please! Eileen


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-05 20:09:45
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Eileen, Thankfully the deadline has now been extended to July 31st, 2023, so you should still have time. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Andrea de Leeuw van Weenen
    2023-06-23 11:36:36
    Andrea de Leeuw van Weenen
    I don't have an espace particulier, tried to make one, but didn't succeed. I have a numéro fiscal. Due to illness I haven't been in France this year yet. And between my deafness and limited French phoning is not an option. And of course I cannot send an email using the option in the espace particulier. What can I do?


  • david goodison
    2023-06-23 11:35:42
    david goodison
    what do i do, sent info by email to get a tax number, no reply, telephone number doesnt work either


  •  Helen
    2023-06-23 07:01:55
    My house is for sale. I won't be visiting it again. It was a second home rarely used after Covid and family circumstances forbidding use due to illness etc. Do I have to fill the forms on and say not visiting. And tax form too? Your advice please Thanks


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-05 20:13:19
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Helen, Yes, everyone who owns property in France must fill in this form. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Michael Clarke
    2023-06-23 03:57:52
    Michael Clarke
    My wife and I have had a second home in France for 10 years paying Taxe D'Habitation. Last year we sold our old house and bought another. We have an online account but during a recent visit to France we went to the Centre de Finance to explain our position, we thought that was all we needed to do but on our return we have received a letter saying that we had not registered and have until the 30th June to do so. I have tried to access our account online but I can't as we need to prove our identity in person. As we are unlikely to go back to France until September we can't. Any ideas?


  • Joanna Bell
    2023-06-21 10:09:46
    Joanna Bell
    Hi - we own a house which is not habitable - but it is still furnished. It was built in 2012. We have been going through the french court system for 8 years now to seek redress from the builder and architect. We have just, finally, concluded and the court has found that they were at fault on all counts. We last stayed at the house in 2014, for a week, which was when we realised that it was not properly waterproofed. Should we complete as vacant or as a second home?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-07-05 20:18:58
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Joanna, From what I understand a vacant property should not be in a liveable state, so being as your property is furnished and ready to use, it would not count. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Dale
    2023-06-21 08:11:26
    I have a numero fiscal for paying my T’habitation but when I enter this at it doesn't allow me access my espace particulier. I have also tried ringing the 0 809 401 401 number from my UK mobile and it says the number is not recognised. I have included +33 and other variations without success. Any help would be much appreciated.


  •  Catherine Schell
    2023-06-21 05:13:56
    Catherine Schell
    Hi, I have filled out the form to get mon espace particulier and a copy of my passport but am not getting any replies. I also tried to call the number 0809401401 which does not seem to work from the UK. Has anyone got another phone number I could call regarding this?


  •  Val
    2023-06-21 03:26:19
    Hi, we have received a letter asking us to complete the mandatory declaration. However, we haven’t owned the said property since November 2022. There doesn’t seem to be an option on the website for this situation . I am inclined to just ignore the request . Any suggestions.?


  • Beverley Cottrell
    2023-06-20 11:54:40
    Beverley Cottrell
    Hi We are trying to make the property declaration, but do not have an espace particulier on the website. We have both sent the required information to the e mail address provided, but have heard nothing back - no acknowledgement, no access to the espace. So without that, we cannot make the declaration. Any idea what we should do next?


  •  Mark Richards
    2023-06-18 09:47:34
    Mark Richards
    I have a second property in France . We visit 5 or 6 times per annum. The owner/occupant are listed as myself and my wife , but recorded in her maiden name. I tried to change this to her married name ( we have been married for 40+ years) , Then i went back without amending it. Unfortunately , it won't let me go forward now ; it says " devez ajouter un occupant !) in pink. Help!


  •  Jacqui Baker
    2023-06-17 01:48:28
    Jacqui Baker
    Hello - I think I have completed the form and submitted it.....however I am unclear as to what "ALWAYS ON THE PREMISES" means on the final page whiach I have answered to the: END OF OCCUPATION question. Please can you clarify this. Thank. you


  •  Sarah Orgill
    2023-06-16 11:12:51
    Sarah Orgill
    Hi Thank you for your helpful article. I have a fiscal number,but had no "espace particulier ".I. have now sent my details with photos of my i.d card to the required email address. What happens now? Do I receive a code and how long might it take? Thank you in anticipation.Sarah


  •  Helen Fenton
    2023-06-15 04:16:03
    Helen Fenton
    What is included as habitable rooms? Would it include loos? Also an open plan downstairs with kitchen area- one or two rooms ?


  •  Tom Bertram
    2023-06-14 10:58:27
    Tom Bertram
    Hi I am trying to fill in the new declaration. I own the property with my wife. It says what is the occupancy on 1st Jan. We only visit occasionally but according to your Web site I need to put in Jan to Dec occupancy. It won't accept this. Also your site says click on a une changement. Where is that? Regards Tom Bertram


  • Anne Smith
    2023-06-14 08:16:04
    Anne Smith
    I cannot access my personal space because I do not know my tax ref number--what can I do next to fill in the new Declaration d’Occupation.


  •  michael dixon
    2023-06-11 06:33:48
    michael dixon
    I've tried filling in this form on line, clicking "secondary residence" but it then asks me for period of residency (beginning and end) for each of the occupants (myself and my wife). As we go there 4 times a year, for 1 to 2 weeks, this seems a bit daft! Any idea what to do at this step?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-06-12 10:55:02
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Michael, The period of residency would be the whole year, as you 'occupy' your house as a second home (i.e. you spend less than six months there per year and it's not your permanent residence) for the entire tax year. Hope that helps! Zoe


      •  Randy Brook
        2023-07-17 07:02:58
        Randy Brook
        I had the same question a Michael Dixon and others. Your answer to Michael was very helpful. I was confused because the form asks for dates of arrival and departure. I didn't see a way to just put in "the whole year". Thank you!


        • Kim Kelly
          2023-07-24 11:30:35
          Kim Kelly
          Hi Zoe I have the same problem. I am currently in the process of completing the declaration and have put in 01/01/2023 to 01/01/2024 and it will not accept it! Help please


  •  Gwen O Connor
    2023-06-09 11:53:29
    Gwen O Connor
    A helpful article but I have a question: We are non resident holiday apartment owners who rent out seasonally and also spend time ourselves. We have a Siret number and pay taxe on the limited income. I have read that the occupancy is on 1/1.2023 however the details on the tax form indicate that all the rental occupancy dates and names are required. Is this for 2022 as all 2023 rentals are not confirmed. This part I find very confusing. Can you help me on this one please?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-06-12 13:51:11
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Gwen, I recommend getting in touch with the tax office to clarify for advice on your individual situation as it will vary depending on whether it's a rental business, long-term rental or simply a second home that has occasional rentals. They will be able to clarify whether or not you qualify for a taxe d'habitacion exemption or not. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Karin Sehmer
    2023-06-09 07:36:58
    Karin Sehmer
    We have a fiscal number but we do not know if this gives us a personal space. Does having the number mean that we automatically have a personal space? How do we set this up so that we can complete the Declaration of Occupation?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-06-12 11:01:38
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Karin, Take a look at our article How to Get a French Numero Fiscal & Open Your Online Tax Account Best regards, Zoe


      • Beverley Cottrell
        2023-06-21 11:46:27
        Beverley Cottrell
        We have a numéro fiscal but cannot access the espace particulier with this number alone. We have both filled in the required details and sent them off with a copy of our i/d, but haven't received any acknowledgement or confirmation that we can now access our space. As the deadline is looming, I wonder what we should do next?


        • Zoë Smith
          2023-07-05 20:14:53
          Zoë Smith
          Hi Beverley, Thankfully the deadline has now been extended to July 31st, 2023, so you should still have time. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Nigel Humphrey
    2023-06-09 01:38:35
    Nigel Humphrey
    Hi Zoë, Sorry if I submitted this twice, but a problem occurred with the web. I have another question. When trying to fill in the form, only the house was listed. There are a couple of old barns which have been there forever as the property was once a working farm. Should these be in the property list? Thanks again.


  •  Nigel Humphrey
    2023-06-08 12:44:30
    Nigel Humphrey
    Thank you for an excellent guide. I have one question that I would be grateful if you can answer. My wife and I are joint owners of our holiday home. We are not French residents. I have just got my "espace particulier" online account. Does my wife also need to get an "espace particulier" online account and fill in the form too, or can I fill in the form for the two of us? Thank you.


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-06-08 14:29:50
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Nigel, Only one declaration is required as it concerns the property itself rather than the individual owners. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Joanna Gilchrist
    2023-06-08 04:15:23
    Joanna Gilchrist
    Hi there My husband (Brian William Gilchrist) and I are joint owners of our French property in the Dordogne. As far as I know we do not have a French tax account so I followed the link above and filled in the form as well as sending a copy of my passport. I have not received any email confirming receipt of what I have sent. What do I do now? I don’t have espace particulaire or any idea what we now need to do. Appreciate a rapid reply in English please.


  • Robert Tyers
    2023-06-07 12:14:17
    Robert Tyers
    Hi. My house in France is owned through a Private Limited Company UK registered. I already fill in an annual form for relief from the 3% Value Tax. Do I still need to fill in this form also. The house is on loan to a UK Not for Profit organisation who are using it to support Christian Kingdom work. If Taxe D'Habitation is payable who should pay it, me , The not for profit or their caretaker?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-06-08 09:45:24
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Robert, Yes, all homeowners must fill in the declaration regardless of whether or not they have taxes to pay. If Taxe d'Habitation is owed on a second home then it is the responsibility of the property owner to pay it, however, whether or not this is something that can be paid by your non-profit is a question to ask your UK tax advisor or accountant. Best regards, zoe


  • Tara
    2023-06-06 03:28:40
    Hi Zoe. I managed to access my private space having filled in an online form and attached a copy of my passport; impô came back pretty quickly with my access details. However, despite filling in the 'Real Estate' data (I'm a French property owner, do not rent out and visit maybe only 8 weeks during the year), I get to the end and cannot register my declaration. The screen says 'Your declaration cannot be registered. You can contact your local tax office to help you with this process.' I sent a message via the secure messaging service on my account advising of what could be a technical glitch plus providing a digital trail that I have tried to make the declaration but without success. If anyone else is successful, please advise! Thanks. Tara


  • Ruth Wallace
    2023-06-05 03:53:07
    Ruth Wallace
    Hello, I have noticed on my bien immobilliers page that there are a few entries for buildings eg. caves/cellars which had been demolished (with permission) and also reference to two additional apartments with no owners shown (there should be 5 and 7 are showing). I have started to send messages to the tax office for each property but would it be a case that the Fonciere tax should have been less if the descriptions had been correct? I did contact Impots last year as I know that a similar building in the town that was for sale and quite a bit larger had a lower Fonciere tax but was told by Impots it would not be comparable and they would not look into an appeal. In addition, if in an unfortunate event none of the 5 apartments were tenanted on the 1st January each year, would I be liable for the Fonciere taxes as it is effectively a second property and not under a company? thank you


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-06-08 14:38:35
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Ruth, It sounds like you have done the right thing in contacting the tax office to correct the inaccuracies. It is possible that this would affect your taxe fonciere bill, but this is something you would have to bring up directly with the tax authorities. The taxe fonciere is always paid by the owner of the property, regardless of whether or not the property is rented out or used as a primary or secondary residence (although the type of occupancy will affect the amount of taxe fonciere that you will pay). Taxe d'habitation, however, is only payable (again, by the owner) on second homes that are not rented out long-term. These taxes do depend upon the occupancy on January 1st, so yes, if you're property isn't rented out on this date, then you will likely be due to pay it. Best regards, Zoe


  •  anna
    2023-06-05 01:44:36
    Hello, Re: Residences de Tourisme which are in a Bail Commercial where owners are in Leaseback agreement with a Resort Management Company. Is this under the business category? Shoud the Company complete the details or should we all submit our own on our online account for Impots?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-06-07 07:51:51
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Anna, As the property owner and taxpayer, you would be responsible for filling in the declaration, but this is a question you should bring up with the management company. As a general rule of thumb, you will find the declaration wherever you typically find and pay your property tax (taxe fonciere), whether this is your personal tax account or a business. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Mark
    2023-06-02 09:28:40
    Hi. I have gone on the impô site to complete the Biens Immobiliers declaration. Under the ‘Declaration of Occupancy’’ section it only has my wife’s name listed. Do I need to add my own name or does it already assume I am resident as the online account is in my name. Many thanks for your assistance


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-06-02 09:30:20
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Mark, The most important thing is to complete the form - as you file your taxes together, this will be under the same taxable household. However, you could also send a message through your personal space to request it is put in both of your names. Best, Zoe


  •  Iain
    2023-05-29 10:21:54
    Hi Zoe. Good morning. I have trying to complete this form, and have quickly fallen foul of some advice I have picked up from one of your previous answers (You would be an occupant non-resident as you use the house as a second home. The occupation dates would be for the whole year of 2023). I have added myself first, but it won't let me add a date that is greater than today's date. Could you advise please? Just to confirm, this is a second home, which is furnished, but not rented or let. We are probably only there for 5 weeks in the year. Cheers Iain


    •  Claire Edwards
      2023-06-26 05:46:57
      Claire Edwards
      I had the same problem with the end date when trying to fill in the declaration. In the end I just left it blank as it didn’t have an asterisk by it & it let me carry onto the next part. Now the issue is that the house is in a different column, property not covered by the lease & the outbuildings are are in a column titled property covered by the lease with the option to move them across to join the house column. Not sure where to go from here.


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-05-29 13:18:12
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Iain, I've not come across this problem before, but does seem that the online form is being plagued with quite a few technical problems. I would suggest sending a message through your personal space to alert them to the problem and ask their advice. I hope you can get it sorted quickly and please do let us know how you get on. Zoe


      • Iain James Smith
        2023-05-30 08:11:31
        Iain James Smith
        Thanks Zoe. I tried again a few times, but still the same issue occurs. I have looked at sending a message, but then I it the issue of understanding exactly what to do, as I am not a good enough speaker of French to work out what is needed here. Is this the only way around this or do you have any otehr advice? Cheers Iain


        • Zoë Smith
          2023-05-30 09:50:51
          Zoë Smith
          Hi Iain, I would suggest sending a message, even if it's translated using google translate - you could also attach a screenshot of the error to show what is happening. Alternatively, you could visit your local tax office to ask for their advice. Perhaps a French-speaking friend or neighbour would help? I'm afraid I'm not able to offer much more advice as I haven't come across this error before. Sorry I can't be of more help, I understand this is really frustrating and I do hope that you get it sorted. All the best, Zoe


  •  Ian Davies
    2023-05-26 09:18:07
    Ian Davies
    Good morning Zoë I have used this excellent guide for owners of second home owners in France that they do not rent out.and left one comment before. I have now been sent the required information to create a password for the French tax system; one gets a text message plus an email that you have to click on, to access the system, create the password and then one has access. It shows as well as the apartment, the cave and garage; from your article I presume that one has to show the two owners as "inhabiting" them as well? Any information appreciated. Kind Regards Ian


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-05-27 15:28:48
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Ian, Yes, it appears that this is a common error on behalf of the tax department, listing non-habitable buildings. However, for the purpose of this year's declaration, it's best to simply fill in the forms if they appear in the same way you have for the main house. It might also be a good idea to send a message through your tax account, stating that you have filled in said forms, however that these buildings are not habitable - just in case! Best regards, Zoe


  •  Diana Gibbons
    2023-05-25 12:37:59
    Diana Gibbons
    I have a numero fiscal for paying my T’habitation but when I enter this at it will not let me access my espace particulier. I use the number to pay my local taxes successfully. Can you help please?


    •  Candy Ridler
      2023-05-29 10:08:14
      Candy Ridler
      Dear Diana Same problem here. Entering the numero fiscal on our tax fonciere and tax d'habitaion bills willl not let us access the espace particulier. The help line phone number appears to be out of order, at least we cant get through from the UK. Earlier when we got into impots we got a message that as a non residents we couldnt fill out the form en ligne .The translated version says "Attention:if you are a non -resident, you must provide this information using a dedicated form. More information If you are declaring your income for the first time this year or are only subject to income tax in France real estate fortune , you will not be able to access the online tax return,from the private space. You will therefore have to send your tax department a paper declaration , which will soon be downloadable from the search engine on website. We have not been able to fine the form yet.Has anyone found it please?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-05-27 15:22:47
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Diana, Our article How to Get a French Numero Fiscal & Open Your Online Tax Account will talk you through the next steps. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Ian Davies
    2023-05-24 10:03:55
    Ian Davies
    Good morning The article was very helpful, but as well as the ‘numéro fiscal’, from the Tax Fonciere form, one is still required to fill in the form with married details etc and a copy of ones passport so as to get a password to access the ‘espace particulier’ (personal space) so one can complete the declaration. I am still waiting for a reply with a password, having filled in the form last weekend. Kind regards Ian Ian Davies


  • Mrs Jane Beresford
    2023-05-22 05:14:20
    Mrs Jane Beresford
    there is a group of five of us and have bought a second home together we have had it for 20 years no when filling the forms do we all do it individually or can just one of us can do it


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-05-23 15:11:16
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Jane, You will generaly file one form per house - for example, if you own the property together as a SCI, you would find the form via the professional tax account linked to the SCI. Best regards, Zoe


  • Harding David
    2023-05-19 08:36:34
    Harding David
    were di I get this form to fill in


    •  Trevor &viviennecaughey
      2023-07-13 06:52:59
      Trevor &viviennecaughey
      Husband has had a stroke and has lost his computer skills Can we be sent form? Thank you


  •  Jane S
    2023-05-10 11:15:37
    Jane S
    Hi, We are UK residents, but have a second home in France which we use as a holiday home. We also rent out for short-term holiday lets via a local management company. Should I put us (my husband and I) as the occupants from the date we bought the property in 2014? Or are they expecting us to put the names, DOBs, place of birth etc of all the guests who have stayed in the property this year so far. We do not have this information and the management company will not give it to us due to data protection issues (and quite rightly so). Thanks for any help.


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-05-11 12:58:13
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Jane, It's not clear how your house is being rented, under what business regime, and for how long, so I would suggest contacting your local tax office to confirm the correct procedure. It may be that it should simply be declared as a second home with you as the occupants. It is unlikely that they will want the details of guests - these details would only be required for a tenant on a long-term lease. Do let us know how you get on, Zoë


      •  Ian
        2023-06-16 02:57:29
        Hi Zoe, this scenario sounds very similar to our situation - property rented out seaonsally via a local management company, typically 1 week holiday rents, rental income declared as individuals (not a company) via French tax return. Key question in my mind is: is there in any difference the nuances of the declaration have when it comes to tax d'habitation liability? It appears only principal residences and some business properties are exempt, the position for a holiday let/rental is less clear. Up to 60% surcharges may be applied in future (from 2024) to second homes/empty properties in towns with a housing shortage. It wouldn't make sense for this to apply to a property rented out, this is something to be incentivised rather than penalised to help with the shortage and/or boost the local economy?


        • Maya
          2023-07-25 11:01:31
          Hi Ian, If you don't mind, can I ask about the management company you're using to rent out the property seasonally? as I have been looking for one for some time and the one, I found only provides its services in main cities. And thank you for stating the additional points, I'm unaware of the additional surcharges that may be opposed on 2nd homeowners. will have to look into that. Thank you in advance,


  • Susan
    2023-05-09 12:17:13
    Hello The choices given to tick don't apply to Brits who might own a furnished property but onlu go occasionally as they want either Proprietaire occupant non resident or Propriete vide non meuble They also want date of arrival and departure which you can't do if you haven't even gone there this year? So...what do you do? Many thanks in advance for any advice


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-05-09 16:05:44
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Susan, You would be an occupant non-resident as you use the house as a second home. The occupation dates would be for the whole year of 2023 - they do not want to know how often you visit the home, just it's use for the period of 2023 i.e. for the whole of 2023, you will be 'occupying' the house as a second home (non resident). Do use the online messaging service to confirm this or any other details with the tax office if you would like the extra peace of mind. Best, Zoe


  •  Johan Baeckstrom
    2023-05-05 09:31:12
    Johan Baeckstrom
    Hi, Thank you for your information. But what should I do if my Numero fiscal is not accepted and I thereb y can not log in at "Connection or creation of your space"?


  •  Hans Ziebland
    2023-05-04 05:30:32
    Hans Ziebland
    I have tried to get into the to register my property but when entering my tax code number and then my date of birth I get the message that there is a mistake with my date of birth! Is there somewhere where I can check to see if they have got my birthdate wrong?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-05-05 16:24:58
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Hans, One thing to check is that you are entering it in the correct format - it is typically day/month/year and the year will be the full 4-digit number. Double-check that first, but if you are still having problems, get in touch with your local tax office. Best regards, Zoe


  •  David
    2023-04-27 04:19:37
    Having stopped renting out our apartment last year we now keep it furnished for our own use and spend several weeks there over the year. What dates are required for 'Start of Occupation' and "End of Occupation'? We are UK residents


  • Adrian States
    2023-04-27 01:30:12
    Adrian States
    Hi Zoe, Well after going around in circles for some time, I came to .’formulaire de création d’access à l’espace particulier non résident ‘. But then the sign came up ‘match the requested format’. Any ideas how to proceed please? I did check the entries. I do have a numéro fiscal.


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-05-05 16:36:55
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Adrian, Do double-check my article How to Get a French Numero Fiscal & Open Your Online Tax Account as if you aren't a French taxpayer, you may have extra steps to take to open your online account. Failing that, the best option would be to contact your local tax office who should be able to help. Best of luck and do let us know how you get on, Zoe


  •  Justin
    2023-04-26 01:16:05
    Hi, Are French leasebacks managed and rented out by Eurogroup (as an example) considered 'furnished rental' or 'Location assigned to professional usage'? Thanks in advance.


  • Christopher thomas TAYLOR
    2023-04-22 05:33:53
    Christopher thomas TAYLOR
    i am a french resident but fill in my tax form each year on paper what form will i need to declare my property tax


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-04-24 13:28:30
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Christopher, There are no paper forms available for the property declaration, so you can either ask at your local tax office for them to help you or call the free helpline on 0 809 401 401 (8.30am to 7pm Monday to Friday) and make your declaration over the phone. Best regards, Zoe


  • Stephanie HUNT-CROWLEY
    2023-04-18 12:34:00
    Stephanie HUNT-CROWLEY
    I own ONE property, but there are two houses on separate numbered parcels, one is unoccupied and has been for 50-60 years, I live in the other, full time, permanent resident. Will both go on the same form ? I do not recall receiving anything but I will go through all my e-mail to make sure.


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-04-18 12:46:55
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Stephanie, You won't be sent any forms - it is your responsibility to make your declaration online or via the phone helpline. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Stephen Meyler
    2023-04-17 04:58:16
    Stephen Meyler
    Hi - we transferred the house to a SCI 5 or so years ago, it is a second home - the link to the facebook group you mentioned for SCI doesn't appear to connect. The professional space has the SCI but no access to any forms or documents. Would appreciate being pointed own the right direction. Thanks Stephen


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-04-18 12:53:30
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Stephen, If your property is not showing up in your account (for a SCI, it should be under the espace professional, where you receive your property tax bills), the best course of action is to either contact your local tax office or use the online messaging service. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Stella Harper
    2023-04-17 04:28:21
    Stella Harper
    I have filled in the form and submitted it. But when I visit my tax account to complete my tax form I keep being reminded that I need to fill the form in by the 30th of June. Given no one has actually acknowledged receipt of my completed form how can I be sure it's been received?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-04-18 12:48:43
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Stella, I don't acknowledgements of receipt are being sent out, but your online account should show that you have made the declaration. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Sarah Shayler
    2023-04-04 03:17:59
    Sarah Shayler
    The article is very helpful, but I can't seem to complete the info required following your guide for a second home owner I have a Numero Fiscal but the Govt website Private Space won't accept it. I've tried following the link (as per one of your other responders below) to the Creation of a Private Space for Non Residents but can't get past the initial page despite filling in all the details and having a French phone number. I'm not sufficiently proficient to have a phone call in French on this matter and I'm not in France so can't arrange a meeting with my local tax office. Any advice would be appreciated as I don't seem to be alone in experiencing these challenges!


    • Niall
      2023-04-06 02:44:23
      Sarah. You have to apply for access to the on line account. You must write to the address of the local tax office which should be on the taxe fonciere or taxe d'habitation giving Fiscal Number, Name, Marital Status, DOB, Place of Birth, Address in France, Permanent Address and e-mail address. You must enclose a photcopy of your Passport photopage and the adjacent description page. This worked for me as an alternative to presenting myself in person. add a short explanation in French. Google Translate will be your best friend here to help structure your explanation or I sent: Je dois remplir la déclaration d'habitation mais je n'ai pas de compte personnel en ligne. J'ai utilisé l'adresse sur la taxe d'habitation. Si ce n'est pas correct, pouvez-vous me dire à qui je dois écrire pour obtenir un compte personnel en ligne? Si vous avez besoin de répondre, pouvez-vous le faire par e-mail pour accélérer les choses. Malheureusement, il ne m'est pas possible de me rendre dans un bureau des impôts français avant la date limite. Au cas où vous seriez en mesure d'aider, j'ai inclus une copie de mon passeport actuel. Worked for me but and very big but my property ownership is on a different account from my personal account which has the taxe d'habitation! How on Earth did they manage that? I am not a company or anything like that and I only noticed this when my property did not appear on line. Hope this helps a bit a more than the stock answer of phone them up in a language you lack confidence in.


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-04-04 21:38:22
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Sarah, If you need help, you can call the free helpline on 0 809 401 401 from 8.30am to 7pm Monday to Friday – although bear in mind that this is likely to be available in French only. Alternatively, you can visit your local tax office. Best of luck! Zoe


  •  Jennifer Holmes
    2023-04-02 07:27:14
    Jennifer Holmes
    Having a second home in France but so far no tax account or numéro fiscal I have been trying to use the form for creating one which the article helpfully links to. However the site keeps telling me to enter my UK phone number in the approved format (without explaining what this is). I have tried every format I can think of for both landline and mobile without success. Any advice?


    •  Keith
      2023-04-27 02:53:12
      Hi Jennifer. I have just completed the form with a Uk mobile number. If you click on the french flag at the side of the mobile number box, you can scroll down to United Kingdom. The box will then accept the uk mobile number. (no need to include the international 0044)


  • Carole Saynor
    2023-04-01 11:06:56
    Carole Saynor
    I looked at my Govt impot account and Only me and my grandson are registered on it but I have my two grandsons living with me also my son and my daughted and we have lived here for 19 years. I dont know why the rest of my family are not included but I am worried there may be some back taxes I have to pay if the impot think there have only been two people living here We all registered when we first came to live here and we are all residents thanks for your help


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-04-04 21:41:20
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Carole, I recommend that you go and talk to your local tax office - it's always best to be upfront about any mistakes that you might have made, and they are typically far more lenient if you are. However, if you are specifically talking about property tax, rest assured that it is not calculated based on how many people live there, it is calculated based on the property itself. Best regards, Zoe.


  •  Fiona clarke
    2023-03-24 11:21:14
    Fiona clarke
    Help how do I contact you my numerous fiscal is not being accepted by the French impots I don't know why ....I need to complete the declaration d occupation .As I have a small house in the south West of France what do I do really need some help thank you fiona clarke


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-27 20:44:16
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Fiona, If you are not able to access your online account, you can either go into your local tax office or it is also possible to make the declaration by phone. Here's the number: 0809 401 401. Best regards, Zoe


    2023-03-22 11:01:12
    Hello, I am a European resident (Irish passport holder) living in our primary residence here in France. As we have only just purchased our house (October 2022) our first TAX FONCIER is not due until later this year. The new TAX D'habitation form needs to be completed this coming June 2023. How do I obtain the Numero Fiscal Number ? There is the form for non-residents etc but like I have already stated I am already residing here in France but won't receive my Tax Foncier ( containing my Numero Fiscal until October this year)


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-22 19:50:07
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Philip, I would advise going into your local tax office or calling the phone declaration line on 0809 401 401. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Mari
    2023-03-19 11:44:56
    Hi, if you are the owner of land (both non constructible, and also constructible but currently with no building project), do you have to fill this form in?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-21 12:52:45
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Mari, As far as we are aware, you would not be required to fill in a declaration for this as the declaration relates to “occupation” for habitation tax purposes. If there is no dwelling, then there is no habitation tax anyway, only foncière tax. If you are unsure, please don't hesitate to send a message to the impots through your online tax account - they seem to be very quick at replying. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Julie Wilkes
    2023-03-17 01:59:16
    Julie Wilkes
    The forms asks you as owner to confirm occupancy with dates. It isn't clear what thi means for second home owners - does this mean any period in the last 12 months? or a future travel plan? What are they after? We are only allowed 3 months at a tme after all!!!


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-21 10:21:40
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Julie, As we understand it, you can put either the date of purchase of your second home or January 1st 2023 (some forms do not seem to allow owners to put a date before this) and leave the end date blank. The tax office is not asking for exact dates of when you will be visiting the property - rather it is confirmation that you will be "occupying" the property as a "second home" (i.e. spending less time at this property than your primary residence) for the year of 2023. If you wish to confirm any details on your declaration, don't hesitate to use the online messaging service to send a message to the impots - they seem to be very quick to reply. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Cindy
    2023-03-16 06:25:55
    Hello I’m confused about the “surface area” question. It does not correspond to the surface area that was listed on the realtor’s site. Is this habitable space? Are balconies included? Outside entrance way for the neighbor’s house that actually belongs to me? Thanks


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-17 09:09:08
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Cindy, Yes, the tax office uses a different measure to calculate the m2 of your property than estate agents and rental agencies. For tax purposes, it the "surface réelle" that applies, which includes all habitable spaces, including bathrooms/kitchens, etc. You may find it is larger than the 'loi carrez' floor space used by estate agents as this often only covers bedrooms and living areas. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Mr A Hedges
    2023-03-16 01:27:19
    Mr A Hedges
    Hi Zoe, Reading your previous posts,regarding our holiday home in the Dordogne,,I understand that in the declaration d’occupation I put ”second home” and enter the start occupation date as the date of purchase of my property and leave the end occupation date empty,is this correct ? Kind regards


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-17 09:13:11
      Zoë Smith
      Hi A, Yes, as we understand it you can put either the date of purchase or January 1st 2023 (some forms do not seem to allow owners to put a date before this) and leave the end date blank. If you wish to confirm any details on your declaration, don't hesitate to use the online messaging service to send a message to the impots - they seem to be very quick to reply. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Wendy Mortimer
    2023-03-15 10:52:57
    Wendy Mortimer
    I have been resident in France for 27 years . My husband died in 2021 and I now have usufruit of the property - paying all necessary taxes and bills. 2/3 of the house is now technically owned by my husband's son who lives in New Zealand, and 1/3 to his daughter who lives in UK but was estranged from my husband. Can I fill in this form if I am not the legal owner?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-17 09:16:18
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Wendy, If you pay the taxes then it sounds like you are the one who will have access to the online tax account from which you will fill in the declaration. Assuming the house is being used as a holiday home/second home, the best option would be to put the occupant as whichever name(s) appears on the tax bill. However, for confirmation on this, don't hesitate to use the online messaging service to send a message to the impots - they seem to be very quick to reply. Best regards, Zoe


  • Marilyn Willett
    2023-03-10 09:59:47
    Marilyn Willett
    We only use our house for 6 weeks in the summer the rest of the time it stands empty do I still have to fill in this form .


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-10 11:19:34
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Marilyn, Yes, every home owner in France must fill in this form by law and fines apply for those who fail to do so. As a second-home owner, you will still be liable to pay the Taxe d'habitation on your second home, regardless of how often you use it. Best regards, Zoe


      • Richard Hughes
        2023-06-23 11:31:50
        Richard Hughes
        The intention of this tax change would appear to be, to ensure French citizens owning multiple houses in France still pay tax on non-primary residences. Are you sure this applies to UK residents owning a holiday house in France?


        • Zoë Smith
          2023-07-05 20:12:42
          Zoë Smith
          Hi Richard, This declaration applies to everyone who owns property in France regardless of their nationality and residency status. Best regards, Zoe


  •  Niall Foulis
    2023-03-09 12:34:31
    Niall Foulis
    I have owned a property in France as a second home since 2011 but have never had cause to create an online account. Unfortuneately there appears to be no ability to create an account online in this case. The help online seems to only offer the opportunity to renew your password or start from scratch there is no choice of having a Numero Fiscal but no account as far as I can find. It seems you must either visit (impossible before June) or write a letter to the tax office with a double sided copy of a passport (not at all sure what this would look like) as it is the only listed item I have. The question I have is where must I write to as this is not mentioned at all? Is it the local tax office, in this case Albertville, or a national tax office? This is all complicated by the fact the property is now vacant and for sale. Any suggestion you can make would be gratefully received .


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-10 08:23:28
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Niall, If you are not able to create an online account or go into your local tax office, it is also possible to make the declaration by phone. Call 0809 401 401, press 0 after the introduction, then option 1, an option 1 again - this will put you through to an operator. You might be able to find an advisor that speaks English, but it could be a good idea to enlist the help of a French speaker if your own French isn't up to it. Best, Zoe


  •  Kevin
    2023-03-09 11:26:06
    Hello and thanks for sharing the information :-) We jointly own our primary residence home here in France. We both have a tax number and our taxe foncière, previous taxe d'habitation and our impôts communications and declarations are all done at household level and addressed to both of us. So, do we need to complete two of these new declarations, one for each of us, or does the system require just one of us to do it given that the property taxes seem to be in both of our names anyway? Thanks in advance KB


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-10 13:19:43
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Kevin, It depends - if you typically file a joint tax return, you should have a joint online account with both your tax numbers on it and therefore you would have one combined property declaration form. However, if you have two separate accounts and two separate forms, I would advise you to fill them both in. If in doubt, you can always use the online messaging service to check with the tax office. Best regards, Zoe


  •  John Bibby
    2023-03-08 09:09:57
    John Bibby
    Hello, I sent a query to Zoe Smith on 7/3/23 about the completion of this form. I have a non EU account with the and using my Taxe d'Habitation fiscal reference (13 chiffes) and completed the form up to the point of commencement date and last date of occupation but these would not be accepted, stating that there was an error. This year we are visiting France 4 times from 16/4/23 and last date of stay being 1/10/23. Our visits of about 3/4 weeks are interspersed with returns to the UK. Can you give me some guidance on what dates are needed to complete the form. I sent Zoe some screenshots of the form showing the errors.


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-08 12:24:13
      Zoë Smith
      Hi John, Thanks so much for writing in and I am doing my best to find answers to everyone's questions - it's a bit tricky as this is new for everyone, including the tax offices! The response I have had so far is that second-home owners should fill in the commencement of occupation date (i.e. when you bought the property/the date from which you have been using it as a second home), however you shouldn't need to complete the last date of occupation. From what I understand, this is only for those that have moved out/changed circumstances. As a second home owner, you therefore 'occupy' the property (as a second home) from the date you bought it until further notice.
      Please don't hesitate to use the contact section in your personal space to send any other questions to the authorities too - they seem to be quite prompt in replying. Let me know how you get on! Zoe


  •  peter
    2023-03-08 08:17:34
    I bought in Oct 2022 and the property is still not shown on the Impots mes biens immobiliers list. Enquiry to the tax office got the response 'it can take a year to be registered'. Any idea what to do in this case, which must affect anyone who bought recently?


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-08 12:27:08
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Peter, If the property has not yet been registered, you will not be able to make the declaration until it has... however, as a precaution, you could use the contact section in your personal space to ask this question, specifically asking whether you will be able to submit the form before the deadline of June 30th 2023 - that way if there is any comeback, you will have an official response to back it up. Zoe


  •  Diane
    2023-03-07 11:27:06
    What do you do if you own property as an SCI and therefore use the “espace professionnelle”? None of those tabs appear on the site You reference appear in that part of the site.


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-08 07:26:23
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Diane, The SCI property will likely be in your espace pro and you should be able to access the form from there. There are SCI owners on the Strictly Fiscal France facebook group that have received the following response too, which may be of use to you - see the post here. Please do let me know how you get on. Best, Zoe


  •  Delma Eeley
    2023-03-07 05:48:51
    Delma Eeley
    Hi. Thanks so much for all the information. I do have a question which I've been unable to ask via gouv.FR......when they list our 'garage' and our 'shed' separately, do we have to answer that they are our secondary residence the same as the main house? This is the only suitable option. Many, many thanks for your help.


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-08 13:05:43
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Delma, Yes, it appears that many people have different entries for various outbuildings, swimming pools, etc. If these are part of the same property, it would make sense to make the same declaration of occupancy. Best, Zoe


  •  Anna W
    2023-03-07 05:46:02
    Anna W
    I've registered for the tax account and gone online to complete the second home declaration, but the form still requires you to enter the details of the occupiers and their date of occupation, even if you click on the button for a second home. Should I complete these fully with all the owners' details and what date should I put in for the occupation? Thank you.


    • Zoë Smith
      2023-03-08 12:43:14
      Zoë Smith
      Hi Anna, Yes, if you are the owner of the property and you use it as a second home, you should list yourself (and any other owners) as the 'occupants' even though you are only occupying it as a second home (if that makes sense!!). The date of occupation should be the date from which you have owned the house/been using it as a second home. If in doubt, don't hesitate to contact the tax office using the online messaging service. Zoe
