Asttral French Insurance Broker

Independent Broker
Quotations sourced from a panel of Major Insurers
Dedicated English speaking team to help and advise
All regions of France covered
Health, Property, Cars, Marine, School, Business/Commercial and Cargo.
English Speaking Team
Asttral has developed an experienced English speaking team focused on advising and arranging the most suitable Insurance policies for the Ex-pat community in France. Importantly, the team has developed a keen understanding of many clients concerns. Consequently, if you wish to discuss your personal requirements, contact us at:
Tel: 0033 (0) 4 68 32 41 20
Insurance Options
Health – Our team will advice concerning the French Health System and offer a choice of Companies and plans most suitable to the client’s requirements.
Property – Choice of Companies and quotes for Property and Contents for owners, renters, Private and Commercial properties.
Car – Advice supplied on all aspects of Car Insurance, quotes for all levels of cover.
School Insurance – This can either be added to your home insurance as an option or taken as a stand-alone policy. Please ask our staff for advice.
Marine – We can supply quotations for the smallest craft through to the largest ocean going yachts. Our Specialist Marine Department will advise you.
Business/Commercial – Quotations can be sourced for most Business and Commercial activities, including all necessary Liability covers.
Cargo – Asttral has a Specialist Cargo Department and can advise and arrange policies for carriage both within and outside France.
To find out more about Asttral Insurance Products, please fill in the form below and click ‘submit’. Your enquiry will be sent directly to Asttral.
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