Writing in Limousin

Writing in Limousin

It is said that everyone has a book in them….

Limousin has long been a retreat for artists and writers, who are inspired by the peace, tranquillity and breathtaking landscapes which make up this wonderful region of France.

Sue Crampton has recently moved to the Limousin and is keen to start a writing group with other like minded individuals.

About Sue…

creative writingI am a retired teacher of English and History who has recently taken up residence in the central Limousin region. I have spent the last 10 years in Catalonia where my partner and I ran a walking holiday business and where I started to write more seriously. I won a competition for writers there which really gave me a boost and was the result I think, of the writing group I started, which is still going strong and has members of all nationalities. We used to meet once a week for an hour and a half and sometimes combined the meeting with a lunch. We set homework every week of 300 words or so and also had weekend workshops and a ‘Retreat’ one weekend in an old farmhouse. It was all very enjoyable as well as stimulating and productive for many of us. Already I am missing it, so that’s the main reason I would like very much to start a similar group here in France.

Limousin Writing Group

creative writingBy definition writing is a solitary activity. But we know it also depends on other people.
As writers we need support, direction, guidance and of course stimulation and ideas from others, (as well as from events, and the world we live in). I tend to shy away and keep my writing particularly private in the early stages. I don’t like to reveal to friends and family what is in process as they are not always the best critics. I have found from joining other writing groups that the support and feedback can be tremendously helpful and motivating
I’m sure we all write in different ways and with different motives and we may be at different stages in our writing. Someone said to me, well first you write for yourself and then you start to write for an audience.
It may be that you are somewhere between these two. If that’s the case then a group and a support network may be very useful and just what you need.

My idea is to get a Limousin Writers’ Group going before the summer and then get serious over next winter. I am open to ideas on times and places but would prefer somewhere central and easily accessible to all via public transport etc.

I would like it to be open to anyone who wishes to write in English (regardless of nationality).
I look forward to hearing from anyone who has the writing ‘bug’.

Sue Crampton June 2010

If you are interested or would just like to have a chat to find out more contact Sue

[email protected]

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More in activity, businesses, family, history, limousin, summer, walking

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