This Gift Really Keeps on Giving: Christmas Fair in the Tarn

In 2013, Michelle Fitzsimons and a group of friends attended some cake decorating courses run by a friend, Bridget Haller, who is a chef pâtissiere. They worked together to make, ice, and decorate Christmas cakes. The experience was great fun and the results were very pleasing. So they decided that we would put their newfound talents to good use by holding a Christmas market of homemade goods, including cakes and other Christmas goodies, to raise money for charity.
Their Charity Christmas Fair has become an annual event and the hard working group called GIFT – GIRLS IN FRANCE TOGETHER has formed an association with charitable status, and they held a successful Garden Party earlier this year which will now be added to their calendar.
For the third year running, this year’s Charity Christmas Fair will be held at the Salle de Fêtes, Castelnau de Montmiral, 81400 on Sunday 10th December, from 10am to 4pm and coincides with the village Marche de Noel, so there’s even more reason to come and have fun in this beautiful bastide village.
This year, their Charity Christmas Fair will be bigger and better than ever, with a wide range of beautiful cards, calendars and gifts, nutritious home-made treats for our four-legged friends, wrappings and ribbons (and a demonstration of bow-making and gift-wrapping by their floristry expert), cakes, puddings, mincemeat… think Christmas, and you’ll probably find it here!
Their designated charities are Cancer Research in Toulouse, through the Institut Claudius Regaud, the SPA, and the Restos du Coeur in Gaillac, all serving the local community, and they are hoping to be able to donate even more to them through everybody’s joint efforts:
So if you are looking to have a great time why not go along and support GIFT, and buy some great Christmas goodies, cake and crackers (pre-order please!), wrappings and cards, and sample the local wine or enjoying a vin chaud with a home made mince pie with them!
Christmas cakes are also available, by order from, Michelle Fitzsimons, at
Entry fee of 3€ includes a raffle ticket, and you can also enter the tombola to win fabulous prizes.
GIFT Christmas Fair
Sunday 10th December, 2017
From 10am to 4pm
Salles de Fêtes
Castelnau de Montmiral, 81140, Tarn
Admission: 3€ (entitles you to a raffle ticket with fabulous prizes)
Tel: +33 (0)5 63 57 97 52 Michelle Fitzsimons
or contact Michelle via her Facebook page
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