Support Groups In France

Problems of a more long term nature, from life threatening illnesses to stress and worries about life in France can creep up on people with little notice, but there are a number of associations who may be able to help.
Counselling in France
Provides contact information for therapists and self-help exercises that people can use if they face problems or are experiencing difficulties.
SOS Helpline
For those keen to speak to someone directly, SOS Helpline offers a listening service run on similar lines to the Samaritans, volunteers are available from 3pm until 11pm every day.
Cancer Support France
English-language help and support to both people with cancer and their carers.
British Volunteer Network
For those struggling with illness or distress, especially at times when people have to spend time in hospital and are some distance from family members.
Accueil des Villes Francaises
French based association that can help smooth a move to a new area, and they offer support to all comers, including in English.
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By David Bolton
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