Join a sports group near you

Join a sports group near you

If you miss the opportunity to play cricket or are just looking to make some new friends, expats around the country have set up clubs to help make sure you are enjoying life in France.


  • Périgord Bowls Club (Dordogne) – a great place to meet people and participate in friendly competition and social events.
  • Cussac Bowls Club (Limousin) – open to all from 15 years upwards. Venue: the gymnasium at Cussac (87150) Haute-VienneCricket
  • Eymet Cricket Club (Dordogne) – one of the first cricket clubs in the French provinces
  • Thoiry Cricket Club (Île-de-France) – a friendly association of like-minded individuals
  • Toulouse Cricket Club (Midi-Pyrénées) – the club was resurrected early in 2006
  • Cricket Club Noé Gascogne (Midi-Pyrénées) – one of 12 cricket clubs in SW France
  • Lille Cricket (Nord-Pas-de-Calais) – players and anyone with an interest in cricket welcome
  • Midi Cricket Club (Languedoc-Roussillon) – arranges social events throughout the year
  • Damazan Cricket Club (Aquitaine) – see how cricket has adapted to SW France
  • Entrecasteaux Cricket Club (Provence) – players, supporters and helpers wantedFishing
  • Team Carpe Franglaise (Poitou Charente, Limousin) – members meet up once a month for a weekend session in one of these departments: 16, 17, 86, 87, 23, 19, 79

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