Chats Du Quercy

Our Mission – Helping Cats In Need
The purpose of Chats du Quercy is to find permanent, safe homes for homeless cats and kittens with responsible and caring owners. We aim to provide quality, short term housing in a safe, disease-free and stimulating environment as it is well documented that long term enclosure of cats can have far-reaching implications on their health and welfare. Our cats are provided with regular qualified veterinary treatment, quality food and a high standard of care. Regular human contact is given to further reduce the psychological effects of being in an enclosed environment.
A Bit Of History
Lynn Stone has a proven and very successful track record in cat welfare. Since moving to France in 2001, Lynn and her husband, Ron have been involved with a local cat charity who deal mainly with alleviating the problem of feral cats in the small villages of the area.
In 2004 they established a cat adoption centre and became the charity’s principle carers. In 2007 Lynn, as Vice president of the charity, secured funding from RSPCA International to adapt and improve the adoption centre facilities. These facilities are now the primary base for a new, separate charity, Chats du Quercy.
Since 2004 Lynn and Ron have directly homed more than 800 cats and kittens, and indirectly helped thousands of others all over France. Lynn is currently studying cat behaviour with the view to be able to help even more cats and to address the reasons why cats become homeless.
Current Situation
Chats du Quercy is based in Miramont de Quercy in the Tarn et Garonne department of the Midi-Pyrénées. We realise that there is a huge lack in appropriate facilities and knowledge regarding cats, both locally and nationally. There appears to be no other organisation offering a comparable service in France i.e. a rescue centre uniquely for the care of cats. Many refuges are obliged to take in dogs and cats, and have little or no knowledge of basic cat welfare, nor the psychological and physiological needs of cats.
We offer a complete service to cats; our dedication and commitment to their welfare extends to include facilities such as a Lifetime Care Contract which will reassure owners that we will look after their cats should they become unable to. We are contacting Retirement homes to facilitate the placement of cats to aid the well-being of humans, studies show how beneficial this is to human mental and physical health. To secure a better future for cats we will be rolling out an education program to raise the profile of cats, their behaviour and their needs.
We know that we will be successful because we have knowledge and experience gained over the last 7 years in a cat welfare environment, specifically rehoming. We have qualified Cat behaviour specialists on hand and dedicated team of volunteers. Over the past years, we have established links with many local authorities and other organisations both in France and internationally and have built a support network achieved through an excellent reputation in cat welfare. Through this extensive network we are able to continue to better the lives of cats through our established education programme aimed at 7 – 11 year age group.
Our Vision – Planning For A Successful Future
Chats du Quercy don’t intend just fire fight the problems facing cats, we intend to secure a better future for them and become a national lifeline for abandoned cats. We need to address the reasons why cats are abandoned and alleviate these by providing education in schools, to a wide public audience, provide advice, and encourage responsible cat ownership. One of our dreams is to develop a retirement home for cats, providing lifelong care to cats with disabilities and elderly cats.
We are aware that this is quite a tall order, but we are extremely positive that through promoting the benefits of cats as companion animals, promoting the benefits of neutering to prevent unwanted litters becoming the abandoned cats of tomorrow and working with the local community on cat welfare issues, we can encourage compassion for all cats.
More Information
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© Chats Du Quercy 2011
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More in centre, education, food, health, history, schools, villages
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