Looking to work in France? New job portal launched by Pôle Emploi

President Hollande has stated publicly, and not just once, that he will not run for office in 2017 unless the unemployment rate decreases. Therefore any initiative related to employment automatically becomes politically charged. The French Employment agency Pôle Emploi on July 2nd has launched a new portal called Emploi Store online. It is designed to become a single port of call for the job seeker. François Rebsamen, minister of Labour, said to L’Express that Emploi Store is a “great step forward that will give a renewed force to Pôle Emploi”.
This new service provides more independence to people looking for a job. Most tasks can be performed autonomously, without the need to have a job counsellor present. This should free up job advisers to attend to more specific career orientation requests from job seekers. Pôle emploi has trained its advisers on the use of Emploi Store so that they can assist new users who may need help in finding their way around the system.
Emploi store will also provide information on how to change careers, put together a long-term career plan, find a school for continuing education, or professionals or companies that offer on-the-job training positions.
In addition, there will be Mooc online courses available, as a continuation of the program started last year, plus high-tech tools such as ‘serious’ games, interview simulations, and e-learning modules. For people who don’t have an internet connection at home, there will be terminals available on Pôle Emploi locations.
In 2016, Pôle emploi will expand the scope of the Emploi Store to include a space dedicated to entrepreneurship and the practical steps of starting a business.
More information online:
Source: service-public.fr
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