Where to Buy in France Now: Loudéac, Brittany

Where to Buy in France Now: Loudéac, Brittany

Ready to make the move? The FrenchEntrée Property Services team reveal their top search areas – on and off the beaten track…



This traditional, pretty market town lies at the heart of Brittany, in the campagne of the Côtes-d’Armor département. Loudéac has retained much of its Medieval charm, which is visible in its well-preserved buildings and attractive streets. It’s a decent-sized ville, boasting over 10,000 inhabitants, with a full range of day-to-day shops and services plus superb restaurants, bars and cafés. Loudéac’s modern facilities are juxtaposed with the charming weekly market, which showcases local Breton produce. Gourmands will be keen to sample the plentiful supply of regional specialities on offer, including fresh scallops and oysters, the much loved galette and Breton cidre.

In addition to plentiful urban amenities, Loudéac provides property buyers with easy access to the 2,500-hectare Forest of Loudéac, which ensures that the peace and tranquillity of the country is never far away. The town’s also within an hour’s drive from a range of beautiful beaches, including the Côte de Granit Rose (Pink Granite Coast) to the north, the Golfe du Morbihan to the south and the Parc Naturel Régional d’Amorique to the west.

The ferry is the obvious choice for access, with routes from the UK linking to Saint-Malo and Roscoff. If you’re driving, there’s Autoroute access from the Channel ports. Alternatively, there’s a good rail network, with TGV links from Paris to Rennes (two hours) and on to Brest or Quimper (four hours). The airports with flights to and from the UK, some via low-cost carriers, include Brest, Dinard and Rennes.

Numerous recreational activities are available in and around town. The Forest of Loudéac and the surrounding countryside will appeal to nature lovers, and Lake Guerlédan is only 30 minutes away. Families will also enjoy the town’s Les Aquatides swimming and leisure centre, which boasts its own lagoon and rivers.

Here, in central inland Brittany, is where buyers will get the most value and land is readily available if you’re searching for a smallholding or equestrian property. Loudéac hosts the Fête du Cheval each August and there are excellent riding trails in the surrounding countryside. There are also a number of race meetings each Easter, which are held at the town’s Hippodrome.

Bargain properties can be found and if you’re willing to take on a project, there’s a plentiful supply of charming stone farmhouses which are ripe for renovation. Neo-Breton and stone longère (‘long house’) properties are also a common style of this area. Property prices will start to increase as you travel south, into the Morbihan département.

With thanks to our partner agency in Loudeac

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If you would like some assistance discovering this or other areas of France and find out more about what the property market has to offer please don’t hesitate to give us a call at +44 (0) 1225 463752 or email us at propertysales@frenchentree.com.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or don’t have time to search yourself, FrenchEntrée has a dedicated Property Team to assist you in finding your dream property. Let us know what you are looking for and we will do our best to select properties matching your requirements.

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