Cleaning Products Not Recommended For Your Sewage Treatment Solution
Essential Reading

Some of the cleaning products we use daily can have a significant negative impact on an individual sewage treatment system. Let’s take a look at which products you should avoid and the alternatives available on the market.
Maintaining Your Sewage Treatment System
Today, 5 million homes, nearly 13 million French people, have an individual sewage treatment (microstation, compact filter, or septic tanks). As a property owner or tenant, you are responsible for the proper functioning and maintenance of your non-collective sewage treatment solution. Possible dysfunctions found during the periodical control of the SPANC (Public Service for Non-Collective Sewage Treatment) can lead to costs of several thousand euros to bring the systems up to standard.
Poor wastewater treatment performance of a system is not exclusively related to the use of household products. It can also be linked to:
- Poor condition
- Undersizing
- Lack of maintenance
For a sewage treatment plant or compact filter to be operating correctly, one should use adapted/compatible products.
Operating an Individual Sewage System
The operation of an individual sewage system is based on a biological purification process. Microscopic living organisms present in large numbers in the system eliminate the pollution of:
- The toilet water (blackwater)
- The “grey” water, such as water from your shower, dishwasher, laundry and sinks
This is why you need to be careful about what you put down your drain, no matter which type of system you have (sewage treatment plant or compact filter).
The cleaning products not recommended for your sewage treatment solution
It is not recommended to use certain household products such as:
- Disinfectants
- Bleach-based antibacterial
Products containing this active ingredient must be used in moderation, without exceeding the doses allowed by the bacteria. By respecting these doses, a weekly use is safe for your installation.
Are you confused? The European Union has introduced new, clear pictograms that can be found on the labels of your household products. Is your detergent harmful to your individual sewage treatment system?
Cleaning products that are not recommended for your sewage treatment system:

Hazardous to the aquatic environment

Dangerous for Health
Alternative Cleaning Products For Your Sewage Treatment System
It is recommended to use adapted products for septic tanks and other individual solutions. Household cleaning products that are environmentally friendly should be preferred.
For example, you can replace bleach with white vinegar, an excellent descaling and antibacterial agent.
For hygiene products (shampoo, cosmetics, etc), choose ecological, natural and easily biodegradable products that respect the environment and the health of users.
You can, for example, use toilet paper that is more easily biodegradable.
Need more information?
This advice applies to all homes connected to a collective or individual sewage treatment system. To protect our water tables, rivers and streams, it is important to use environmentally friendly products. The use of natural and/or organic products also allows you to avoid any risk to your health.
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