Low Priced Properties in the Lot and Quercy

We look at what’s available for less than 160k euros
Although the property market in France is quieter than usual, some agents are suggesting this is actually a good time to buy. There is a huge range of choice available and many sellers are willing to negotiate on price which can more than offset any recent changes in the exchange rate. The current slow down is not likely to last forever and once things pick up again prices can only increase.
Looking at the property enquiries we are receiving, we can see there is still quite a lot of activity in the lower price range, especially for plots of land, new builds and village property. In terms of price it seems that the busiest area is the up to 160k euros price band.
A quick search through our database shows that within the Lot and Quercy region alone (Lot, Lot et Garonne and Tarn et Garonne) we currently have over 250 properties in this price range.
Browse through the listings below and see if you can find your perfect bargain property…
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More in activity, land, quercy, tarn, villages
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