Renewable Energy – A Guide For Homeowners

Are you worried about rising energy costs and the long-term effects of powering your home with climate-harming fossil fuels?
Energy companies are constantly hiking their prices while the climate emergency is dominating headlines around the world. Conversely, the French government is offering a multitude of ever-evolving tax incentives and low rate loans to encourage home owners to go green. Against that background, it’s perhaps unsurprising that many home owners in France are taking control by investing in a domestic renewable energy system.But what advantages do generating and storing your own green energy deliver for the average homeowner? How should you decide which renewable products to install – wind turbines, solar panels, an energy storage system? And, in an increasingly crowded market place, how do you know which companies will deliver on the outstanding service they promise – and install a robust renewables system that achieves a return on your investment?
In this article, we outline the key benefits of generating and storing your own green energy – and explore the steps you should take when vetting prospective renewable energy suppliers and installers.
Why install a renewable energy system in your home?
Whether you opt for solar panels or wind turbines, there’s no doubt that a renewable system constitutes a significant financial investment. As such, it’s not a decision that can be taken without research. However, with the right solution, you’ll access a huge range of benefits. We’ve outlined the main pros for homeowners.
Protect yourself from rising energy prices
Since 2010, energy prices for households in France have been increasing continuously. And while renewable energy sources (hydra and wind as well as solar power) are on the rise, nuclear power still accounts for the majority of domestic electricity production.
When you install your own renewables system – solar panels or wind turbines combined with an energy storage system – you generate your own green energy. In other words, you reduce your reliance on the grid. With this approach, you have the power to significantly reduce your energy bills – or even eliminate them altogether. What’s more, by becoming a prosumer, you increase awareness of your own energy consumption habits.
Make a profit on your investment
If you’re looking for a robust investment that’s guaranteed to make short term savings and long term profits, installing a domestic renewable energy system is a solid choice. Not only will the savings on your bill be immediate, but you can sell excess energy back to the grid. And, although the initial investment is significant, you’re likely to start making a return after 5 to 6 years.
That said, variables such as the geographical location of your property and the type, size and quality of your system will impact how quickly you’ll begin to see a profit. Choosing the right supplier and installer is therefore an essential element when it comes to long-term success.
Add value to your property
According to recent research conducted in America, solar panels add an average of 4.1% to the value of a property. And given that energy prices are predicted to rise exponentially, the appeal of your renewables system to prospective buyers is also likely to increase as the world increasingly wakes up to the reality of the climate crisis.
As a result, if you’re thinking of selling your home at some point in the future, your renewable energy system is likely to become a significant asset.
Help protect the earth’s resources
The climate emergency is a major consideration for governments, businesses and communities all over the world.
By transforming the way you power your home, you’re removing your reliance on climate-harming fossil fuels. For example, residential solar PV systems result in 80% lower carbon emissions when measured against fossil fuels. Put simply, making the switch to a green energy system significantly reduces your carbon footprint and helps to future-proof the planet for generations to come.
While the potential benefits are numerous, there are also some pitfalls to be aware of before you embark on a domestic renewables project. It’s worth bearing in mind the following considerations when searching for a renewable energy supplier.
Is your home suitable for a renewable energy system?
There are numerous types and styles of solar panels, wind turbines and energy storage systems spanning a range of price points – depending on the location and character of your home, not all will be suitable for your property. Factors such as shading from adjacent buildings and trees – as well as the slope and structure of your roof – are all relevant. A legitimate renewable energy supplier will be upfront about the suitability or otherwise of your home.
Thanks to advances in technology, it’s possible to make accurate predictions as to how any given renewable energy system will perform over the short and long term. At EnergieX, we use 3D modelling to show prospective customers predicted power generation and bill savings – as well as to forecast when you’ll start receiving a return on your investment.
Do you feel under pressure to commit?
You need to be wary of a double glazing style approach to selling renewable energy – one where you’re encouraged by pushy salespeople to commit now or miss out. Beware of exaggerated claims and inflated predictions that aren’t backed up with statistical evidence. The right company will never put you under pressure to sign up. We take pride in getting to know our customers, for example by discovering your goals and motives for switching to a renewable energy system. We also understand that this is a significant investment for you.
Our free, no-obligation quoting service is designed to give you peace of mind – and we’ll never put you under pressure to make a quick decision.
What’s the relationship between your renewables supplier and the product manufacturer?
Some renewable energy specialists offer a comparison service, showing you a range of products at varying price points. Others install products they’ve manufactured. Many have an exclusive contract with one manufacturer so will only recommend their products. While there’s no right or wrong solution, it’s crucial that your installer is transparent about the approach they take.
At EnergieX, we do things slightly differently. We research all the options and handpick the best developers of renewable energy products – from solar panels to wind turbines and energy storage solutions to EV chargers. Then we bring them to you at preferential rates, so you pay up to 30% less.
It’s also worth checking that your prospective renewable manufacturer works to the latest French government standards, so that you’re able to capitalise on tax incentives and low rate loans. The best suppliers will be up-to-speed and able to talk you through your options.
What’s your supplier’s approach when it comes to installation, certifications and warranties?
The last thing you want on installation day is a nasty surprise, so it’s always worth asking your supplier about their policies and procedures. For example, how long will scaffolding be up for? How long will you be without power? And will a technician be available to talk you through how your system works?
To give you an idea of what to expect, our installation process lasts 1 or 2 days – and we always clear scaffolding as swiftly as possible. On installation day, one of our expert technicians is on hand to explain how your system works and talk you through safety features. We’ll also give you all relevant certifications and warranties, including a 10-year product warranty and a production warranty of between 25 and 30 years.
Does your supplier offer a comprehensive aftercare service?
Finally, it’s always worth asking about long term maintenance. Is your supplier proactive when it comes to ensuring that your renewable energy system continues to perform at its optimal rate?
This is something we take very seriously at EnergieX. Just because your system’s up and running, it doesn’t mean that we’re no longer involved. We want you to get the best possible results from your system, so we’re always monitoring the way it performs.
Take control of your energy future with EnergieX
Are you ready to reduce your energy costs and your impact on the planet? At EnergieX, we empower you to generate and store your own renewable energy – helping you save money, become energy self-sufficient, add value to your property and reduce your carbon footprint.
Our team of renewable energy experts is committed to giving you the best possible experience at every stage. Check out our website to find out more about us – and when you’re ready, simply complete the short form on this page and upload the last 12 months of your energy bills. We’ll be in touch to arrange your free, no-obligation survey.
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