Buying in France in 2022? Our Experts Reveal Their Top Tips



Buying in France in 2022? Our Experts Reveal Their Top Tips

Our predictions for the French property market in 2022 indicate a fast-moving property market, a tightening of mortgage lending criteria, and an ever-increasing demand for spacious, rural, and environmentally friendly housing. So what can you do to maximize your chances of finding your dream home in France in the year ahead?

We asked our network of experts for their top tips for buying in France in 2022: here’s what they said.

Ben Stephens
Managing Director
France Media Group

“As lockdowns and travel restrictions were lifted, the French property market bounced back very strong, continuing its long-term growth trend. Stock in France is scarce and property is selling fast, and I believe that this insatiable buyer appetite will continue into 2022. As demand for spacious, rural French properties continues to rise, my tip for 2022 is to be prepared, get your finances in order, and should you see a property you love, then be ready to make an offer.”

Alistair Lockhart
Property & Mortgage Advisor

As always, do your research, and try and nail down an area you like before coming out to France to view. You might think you’re being super-flexible by saying “anywhere south of Limoges,” but to an agent, that means you’re undecided on the area and unlikely to commit. Build up a good rapport with a couple of agents (so you can be informed quickly about the best deals) and be prepared to move quickly if you find somewhere which ticks the boxes and is on budget. Historically buyers didn’t need to move quickly – or didn’t feel they had to – because there were so many properties on the market, they could happily take 6-12 months and several trips and view scores of properties that met their criteria. This is no longer the case, and there is a degree of pressure on buyers now to commit with a good offer and get the paperwork started, or risk losing out in 2022.

Mar Bonnin-Palmer
Senior National Accounts Manager & European Lawyer

In this climate of uncertainty and potential volatility, it is more important than ever to get some guidance in advance of your payments as it might have a direct impact on the final price of the property that you are purchasing. A foreign exchange specialist such as moneycorp will offer you not only a competitive rate of exchange but also the tools to manage your exposure to foreign exchange, no matter what your budget is.

Be prepared by opening an account with Moneycorp today. It’s really easy and free of cost or obligation – you can register online or over the phone in a couple of minutes. Sign up through FrenchEntrée here and enjoy no transfer fees on any payment!

Simon Frost
Communications Manager 
Atlanta Constructions

“We’ve seen this year how rising energy prices are changing the market significantly – with more and more people understanding the importance of good insulation, cheaper and more efficient energy, to reduce bills and conserve the environment.

All of our properties comply with the new regulation RT2021, which comes into force on 1 January 2022. In fact, we have been building properties since September 2021 which fully meet the new requirements. An Atlanta home is extremely energy efficient and has low running costs (30€ per month central heating and hot water).”

Arthur Cutler
French Plans

Top tips for buying property from our perspective would always be to verify planning regulations before finalising a purchase contract to avoid any later issues where consent for building works is required. Our article French Planning Permission When Buying and Selling Property (Suspensive Conditions) is a good place to start if you need more advice.

Ready to buy in France in 2022?

Is 2022 the year that you’ll finally realize the dream of buying in France? Here are three things you can do right now, and all of them are absolutely free.

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