Au revoir? TV producers looking for expats leaving France


I’m reposting a message from Outline Productions:

Are you a British Expat living abroad?

Are you thinking of returning to the UK?

Whether it’s because you’re missing family & friends, have struggled with the local culture or had trouble with your finances – we’d like to know why you want to come home!

Award-winning Outline Productions are developing an exciting new documentary series about expat life – and are looking for Brits living abroad, who are considering coming home and open to sharing their views with us. Perhaps you’ve not even shared the news with your family back in Blighty yet!

If this sounds like you, or you’d just like to find out more, please contact Sam Wilson:


Tel: +44 02074247626

Here’s some more info from the Outline Productions website:

Outline is an independent TV production company dedicated to creating maverick mainstream factual entertainment series and formats for the British and international markets. We take pride in the high calibre and bold editorial ambition of our programmes, and have created and produced large scale reality shows as well as entertainment and factual entertainment series for broadcasters including BBC, BSkyB, ITV, Channel 4, five, Discovery, TLC and UKTV.

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Sylvia is a freelance journalist based in France, focusing on business and culture. A valued member of the France Media editorial team, Sylvia is a regular contributor to our publication.

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  • ruth
    2013-04-11 14:21:16
    I am interested in making a contribution to your programme. Have been in Spain for twenty years and am now seeing a mass exodus of ex-pats - many because of the global recession and the need to feel "Safer" in ones home country - and many because of the need to re-connect with family units. I came here with a healthy budget, no debts and a lot of energy. Have lost a lot via various business ventures - bars, a detective agency, a second-hand furniture business, an entertainer. I am 66 and was a singer in bands for thirty years. I have a degree in psychology and philosophy and am now thinking that, despite my age, I should go home. My 21 year old grand=daughter joined me two years ago and I fear she may got lost in the illusion of sunshine holiday at the risk of losing sight of her education and long term goals. Like many young people she feels that her home country is no better than any where else and maybe it's better to be poor in a nice climate. I am scared, confused and undecided. There is much about Spain that I love, and I am not running away from debts, and in some ways to return to England would feel like an admission of defeat. I look forward to your programme and hope that your contributors shed light on the whole political and emotional aspects of re-patriation.


    • Sylvia Davis, Property & Living Editor
      2013-04-11 15:14:58
      Sylvia Davis, Property & Living Editor
      Thanks for your comment Ruth, I have passed your message on to the producers.
