Are You Sure You Know Your French Road Signs?

In the past year some new road signs have been incorporated to the Code de la Route and will gradually start making an appearance on a road near you. Here they are (clockwise from top left)
- Additional information on dead ends: the sign will indicate if the road provides an exit for cyclists and pedestrians to continue on their way
- Shopping or commercial centre
- Thick layers of fog or smoke
- Parking space under surveillance
There are also some tightening up on certain rule violations:
- using your telephone while driving: 3 points and €135
- driving over or crossing the emergency stop lane on an highway (autoroute): 1 point and €135
- using a radar alert system : 6 points and €1500
- breaking speed limit by 50km or more is now classed as an offence from the very first instance and liable to appear in court and fined with up to 6 points and €1500, possible confiscation of the vehicle and suspension of the license
- DIU – alcohol in excess of 0,8 g/l: 8 points (used to be six)
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